Why Does My Cat Only Cuddle at Night?

Why Does My Cat Only Cuddle at Night?

Does your cat only seem to come around when it is time to cuddle in bed? Do they curl up on you and purr, creating the perfect pre-sleep moment?

Cats may have a reputation for not being particularly affectionate, but if yours only shows up at night looking for some extra TLC then you’re probably asking yourself why.

In this blog post we take a look into what could be causing your beloved feline companion to keep such odd sleeping habits – so read on to find out more!

Why Does My Cat Only Cuddle At Night?

Your Cat Is Cold

One reason your cat may be seeking out your warmth is because they are cold. Cats can be quite sensitive to temperatures and if their fur isn’t thick enough, or the room isn’t warm enough for them, then they will naturally look for sources of heat.

This could explain why your furry friend only seems to show up at night – it may be colder during the evening.

If you want to keep your cat warm, consider getting a heated bed or blanket for them. This will give them the warmth they need without having to cuddle with you!

You can also make sure that your home is set at a temperature that is good for cats (around 65-85°F). [1]

Your Cat Is Looking For Security

Cats are very sensitive creatures and might be seeking out your warmth and presence because it makes them feel secure.

Since cats tend to be more active during the night, this could explain why they’re only cuddling you when it’s dark outside. You provide them with the safety they need in order to let their guard down.

You can help your cat feel more secure by giving them love and attention during the day. Petting and brushing them, playing with toys together, and providing plenty of places to hide around your house are all great ways to make sure they feel comfortable and safe.

Your Cat Is Looking For Security

Your Cat Feels Relaxed

Cats feel more relaxed around people they trust. This might be why your cat only cuddles you at night before bed. They might be feeling extra snuggly after a long day.

If this is the case, then simply spending quality time with your cat throughout the day can help them feel more relaxed and less likely to seek out your warmth at night. This could include playing with toys, brushing their fur, or simply snuggling up together.

Your Cat Is Tired

Cats are known for their nap-happy habits, so it’s possible that your cat is simply exhausted and seeking out a cosy spot to rest.

If this is the case, then making sure your cat has plenty of places to sleep during the day can help them stay well rested and less likely to need extra cuddles at night.

It’s Most Quiet At Night

Cats are naturally curious animals and love to explore, but they also need a certain amount of peace and quiet in order to feel secure.

If your house is particularly noisy during the day, your cat might look for a quieter spot at night – which could include snuggling up with you!

Your Cat Feels Lonely At Night

If you’re out of the house a lot during the day, then your cat might be feeling lonely at night. Cats need companionship just like humans do, so if they don’t have anyone else to cuddle with then they may turn to you for comfort.

If your cat has toys and things to do during the day, they will not be lonely. If you are going to be away for a long time, you could get another cat for them to play with or have someone come over and spend time with them.

Your Cat Thinks Your Bed Is Most Comfortable

If your cat likes to sleep in your bed, you can try getting them their own bed. Or you could make changes to your bed so that it is more inviting for them.

Providing extra blankets, pillows, and soft fabrics can help make your bed more comfortable for them. You could also try putting an extra blanket on top of your bed if you don’t want to share it.

It is important to remember that cats are individuals and have their own preferences for cuddling. If your cat only cuddles at night, it doesn’t mean they don’t love you.

It just means they feel comfortable enough to show their affection in their own way. Showing your cat love and understanding is the best way to keep them happy!

Your Cat Thinks Your Bed Is Most Comfortable

Your Cat Is Safest With You At Night

It is not uncommon for cats to seek out their owners when it gets dark outside. After all, being close to you provides them with a feeling of security.

Try giving your cat extra attention throughout the day and night. This will help them feel safe and secure in your presence, so they don’t need to cuddle with you for extra protection.

You can give your cat their own bed to sleep in, or a spot in your home where they feel comfortable and safe. This will help them feel more relaxed during the day, and less likely to only cuddle at night.

Your Cat Thinks Your Bed Is Most Comfortable

If your cat likes to sleep in your bed, you can try getting them their own bed. Or you could make changes to your bed so that it is more inviting for them.

Providing extra blankets, pillows, and soft fabrics can help make your bed more comfortable for them. You could also try putting an extra blanket on top of your bed if you don’t want to share it.

Remember that cats are different from each other and have their own way of showing affection. Just because your cat only cuddles at night, it doesn’t mean they don’t love you.

It just means that’s when they feel comfortable enough to show their affection. Showing your cat love and understanding is the best way to keep them happy!

It Is The Only Time You Are Sitting Long Enough To Cuddle

If you have a lot going on and are always busy, your cat may not be able to get your attention during the day. This means they may wait for you to be still so they can climb into your lap and cuddle.

Try setting aside some time each day to spend with your cat. Even if it ’s just a few minutes, this will help them feel loved and appreciated. You can also try playing games with your cat or giving them treats to show your affection.

Cats need love and attention just like we do. Even if your cat only cuddles at night, it doesn’t mean they don’t love you.

It just means that’s when they feel most comfortable showing their affection. Showing your cat love and understanding will help them stay happy and healthy!

It Is Part Of Your Cat’s Routine

Cats are creatures of habit and tend to develop routines. If your cat only cuddles with you at night, it could be part of their routine.

Try not to change your cat’s routine too much. They like having a sense of control in their lives, and changing up the time when they cuddle will help them feel more comfortable with you.

Remember that cats each have their own way of showing affection. If your cat only cuddles at night, it doesn’t mean they don’t love you.

It just means that’s when they feel comfortable enough to show their affection. Showing your cat love and understanding is the best way to keep them happy!

It Is Part Of Your Cat’s Routine

That’s Your Cat’s One On One Time

Cats can be very independent, but they still need one on one time with their humans. If your cat only cuddles at night, it could be because this is the only time you are both available for quality bonding time.

Make sure to spend time with your cat every day. Play games, give them treats, or just spend time together. This will help your cat feel secure when they are with you at night.

You can try giving your cat their own bed to sleep in. Make sure the bed is filled with soft fabrics and blankets. This way, they will have a place that is all theirs and they won’t need to cuddle with you for extra comfort.

Tips For Encouraging More Cuddles

If you want to encourage your cat to cuddle more during the day, there are some things you can do. One option is to provide cosy spots for them throughout the house so they can take a nap whenever they want.

You can also try playing interactive games with your cat. This will get them used to being around you and spending time together, which can make them more comfortable when it comes to cuddling.

Remember that every cat is different and will show affection in different ways. Just because your cat only cuddles at night, it doesn’t mean they don’t love you.

Why Is My Cat Only Affectionate At Night?

Cats are complex creatures and sometimes it can be hard to know why they do certain things. If your cat only cuddles at night, it could be for a number of reasons.

It might be that the only time you can spend together is at night. Cats like routines, so this might be part of their daily routine.

Why Does My Cat Only Want Attention At Night?

Your cat might only want attention at night because they are more active during this time. Cats usually sleep during the day and come alive at night, so it could be that they are seeking out cuddles or playtime when they are awake.

It could also be that your cat is trying to get your attention. They may have noticed that you are more available for play and cuddles at night, so they may be trying to get your attention by only cuddling then.

Why Does My Cat Only Cuddle With Me?

Cats are independent, but they still need time with their humans. If your cat only cuddles with you, it might be because they feel a special connection to you and have chosen you as their main source of comfort and affection.

Cats like to cuddle with humans because they are warm and comfortable. They may also feel safe and secure when they are close to a human.

Why Does My Cat Only Cuddle With Me


Why is my cat only clingy at night?

It could be that your cat is trying to get your attention. They may have noticed that you are more available for play and cuddles at night, so they may be trying to get your attention by only cuddling then.

Alternatively, it might just be that the only time you can spend together is at night. Cats like routines, so this might be part of their daily routine.

How do I get my cat to cuddle more during the day?

One way to make your cat feel more comfortable around you is to provide them with a cosy spot to take a nap. You can also try playing interactive games with your cat.

This will help them get used to being around you and spending time together, which can make them more comfortable when it comes to cuddling.

Why is my cat obsessed with me at night?

It could be that your cat sees you as their main source of comfort and affection. Cats like to cuddle with humans because they are warm and comfortable, and they may also feel safe and secure when they are close to a human.

Why does my cat want me to pet him at night?

It could be that your cat is trying to get your attention. They may have noticed that you are more available for petting and cuddling at night, so they may be trying to get your attention by only cuddling them.

Or, it could just be part of their routine – cats like routines, so this might be part of their daily routine.

What does it mean when a cat cuddles and sleeps with you?

It means your cat feels close to you and enjoys being with you. Cats like to cuddle with humans because they are warm and comfortable. They may also feel safe and secure when they are close to a human.

How can you tell if a cat has imprinted on you?

If your cat likes you, they will show signs of trust and affection. They may follow you around the house, meow for attention, lean against you when being petted, purr when near you, or even greet you at the door. Additionally, cats who really like their humans tend to cuddle and sleep with them.

How do cats pick their favourite person?

Most cats usually pick their favourite person based on who they feel the most comfortable with.

This might be the person who gives them food, water, and a place to stay; or it could be someone who plays with them, pets them, and talks to them a lot. It all depends on what the cat likes.

If you want your cat to like you best, spend time with them. Play games together, pet them often, and talk to them. They will start to see you as a good person. This is when true bonding begins.

What should I do if my cat stops cuddling?

If your cat has stopped cuddling, they may need more attention. Make sure to give them plenty of love and affection. Spend time with them playing interactive games or just talking to them.

Additionally, make sure that their basic needs are met – food, water, a clean litter box, and a comfortable place to sleep. If all of these needs are met, your cat should start cuddling with you again soon.

What should I do if my cat stops cuddling

What can I do to help my cat feel more secure?

You can help your cat feel more secure by giving them a comfortable, safe place to sleep. Make sure that the spot is quiet and away from busy areas of the house.

Additionally, provide plenty of food and water for your cat and make sure their litter box is always clean and accessible. Finally, make sure to give your cat enough attention and cuddles so they feel secure and loved.

There are things you can do to make your cat feel happy and healthy. This will make them want to cuddle with you more. It takes time for cats to get used to new things, so be patient.

With the right approach, you can help your cat become more comfortable with you and create a strong bond between the two of you.

Does cuddling with my cat help them bond with me?

Yes, cuddling with your cat helps them form a strong bond with you. Cats like to cuddle because they are warm and comfortable, and it makes them feel safe. Cuddling also allows cats to get used to being around you and spending time together, which can lead to a strong bond.

Cats are creatures that like to do things by themselves, but they still like spending time with people. When cats cuddle with people, it means they care about them and want to be close.

Cuddling is also a good way to make the relationship between you and your cat stronger. So go ahead and cuddle with your cat – your cat will feel happy and loved.

Do cats cuddle with other cats?

Yes, cats do cuddle with other cats. Cats are social animals and like to be around others of their own kind. When cats interact with each other, they often groom each other or sleep together in a group.

This is a sign of friendship and trust between the cats. So if you see two cats cuddling and grooming each other, it’s a sign that they get along.

Does cuddling with my cat help them to feel secure?

Yes, cuddling with your cat helps them to feel secure. Cats like to be close to their humans and when they cuddle up it makes them feel safe and comfortable.

Cuddling also allows cats to get used to being around you, which creates a strong bond of trust between you and your cat. Cuddling is a great way to show your cat that they are loved and cared for.

Useful Video: Why Does My Cat Only Want To Cuddle At Night?


It’s obvious that cats are complex creatures full of surprises. Even though understanding our feline friends can be difficult, the best thing is to observe their behaviours, accept them and love them for exactly who they are.

All cats have their own personality and quirks. If you can’t figure out why your cat doesn’t want to cuddle, try giving them a few treats. Even if we don’t understand why our cats only want to cuddle at night, we can still enjoy the moments when they do.

Don’t forget to cuddle your cat while you have the chance. They’ll appreciate it later! In short: cats have different personalities when it comes to socialising, but we should never take those special moments they share with us for granted. So let’s give our kitties some extra love!


  1. https://faqcats.com/why-does-my-cat-only-cuddle-at-night/