Why Is My Cat Licking the Floor?

Why Is My Cat Licking the Floor?

If you’ve ever seen your cat licking the floor, you’ve probably asked yourself what in the world he’s thinking! But believe it or not, cats are actually quite clever and there can be a few reasons why they’re engaging in this behaviour.

Do cats just think that our floors taste good? Are they trying to take care of themselves? Or could something else be causing them to do so?

In this blog post, we’ll break down why cats may be licking the floor and how you can better understand your feline friend – read on for more answers!

Why Does My Cat Lick the Floor?

There are a few reasons that cats may be licking the floor, and it’s important to keep in mind that what works for one cat might not work for another. Here are some of the most common explanations:

  1. They think it tastes good – Believe it or not, cats have very sensitive taste buds and can pick up on the flavors of something they’ve touched or licked. So if your cat is licking the floor, he may actually be tasting it!
  1. They could be grooming themselves – Cats groom themselves as a way to remove dirt and oils from their fur, as well as keep cool in warm climates. If you notice your cat licking the floor, he may just be trying to do a good job of keeping himself clean.
  1. They could have an underlying medical issue – If your cat is excessively licking the floor or seems to be in pain when doing so, it’s important to have him checked out by a vet as soon as possible – there may be something else going on. [1]

The Material of the Floor Matters

The type of flooring you have in your home could be causing your cat to lick it. For example, if you have hardwood floors, your cat may like the taste or feel of the wood.

If you have carpets, he may find the fibers and softness appealing – especially if they smell like his favorite human!

The Material of the Floor Matters

Cats Like The Texture and Temperature of the Floor

Cats have a better sense of touch than humans. This means they can feel things better, like how warm or cold something is. They might also like the way a certain surface feels when they lick it. [2]

It’s A Different Water Source

Cats need to drink a lot of water to stay healthy, but they don’t like to drink water that is not moving. If your cat is licking the floor, he might be trying to get water from another source.

Pica is a disorder where cats and other animals crave non-food items like rocks, dirt, or even plastic. If your cat is licking the floor, it could be because he has an underlying health issue that causes him to want to eat things that aren’t food.

They Like Your Attention

Cats are known for being attention seekers and if they think licking the floor will get them some, then they’ll do it! Paying extra attention to your cat when he does this could help stop the behavior.

Your Cat Is Bored and Licking Is Fun

Cats need mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy. If your cat is bored, he might turn to licking the floor as a way to entertain himself.

Other Reasons Why Cats Lick the Floor

Some cats may lick the floor out of boredom or anxiety. If you think that this is the case, it’s important to make sure your cat has plenty of things to do and a comfortable environment. Playing with your cat every day can help prevent boredom and anxiety.

If your cat is acting differently, such as being more aggressive or lazy, you should take them to the vet.

The vet will be able to see if there’s a reason for the different behavior and help you figure out how to make your cat feel better.

Other Reasons Why Cats Lick the Floor

How to Stop My Cat from This Unusual Behavior?

If your cat is licking the floor too much, there are a few things you can do to help him stop this behavior.

  • First, make sure that he has plenty of toys to play with and that his environment is enriched with objects or activities for him to explore.
  • You can also try feeding your cat wet food or adding extra water to his diet to ensure he’s getting enough moisture.
  • If your cat is licking a particular spot in the floor, you can place a piece of furniture or an area rug over it so he’s no longer able to access it.
  • Finally, if you think your cat’s licking behavior may be due to a medical issue, it’s important to have him checked out by a vet as soon as possible.

Spend More Time Playing

Cats need to play and use their minds to stay healthy. This means you should spend time playing with your cat every day. Playing will help your cat stay active, get rid of extra energy, and keep his mind busy.

If you want to help keep your cat entertained, try introducing new toys or activities. Playing with your cat for at least 15 minutes each day can also help him stay happy and healthy.

Keep the Floor Clean and Redirect the Behavior

Cats like strong smells and textures, so it is important to keep the floor clean. This means vacuuming often, mopping up spills quickly, and using non-toxic cleaners that won’t bother your cat’s sensitive nose. [2]

Making the Floor Taste Bad Probably Won’t Work Well

Using something that tastes bad on the floor to keep your cat from licking it probably won’t work. Cats have a strong sense of smell and taste, so they can easily tell when something doesn’t taste good. Plus, this could make your floors dirty or sticky.

Making the Floor Taste Bad Probably Won’t Work Well

What to Consider When Determining the Cause of This Unusual Behavior?

When you are trying to figure out why your cat is licking the floor, it is important to think about all of these reasons. Talk to your vet about any health problems that could be causing this behavior.

Make sure your cat has a lot of toys and things to do so they are not bored. You should also keep the floors clean so they don’t taste or smell good. Finally, if you think the cat is bored, make sure you play with them every day.

Should You Worry About Your Cat Licking the Floor?

If you see your cat licking the floor, it is usually not a big deal. But if you see other changes in your cat’s behavior or health, you should take him to the vet right away. The vet can help figure out if there is a health problem and how to make your cat better.

Remember, cats can lick the floor for a variety of reasons. With patience and understanding, you can figure out why your cat is licking the floor and help him stop this behavior. If your cat’s licking continues to be a problem, consult your vet for more advice.

What Can I Do To Help My Cat Stop Licking the Floor?

Since there are a few different reasons why cats may lick the floor, it’s important to examine your situation and determine what may be causing your cat to do so in the first place. Here are some tips for helping your cat stop licking the floor:

  1. Make sure your cat is getting enough attention and stimulation during the day. Play with them, hide treats for them to find, or give them a new toy every now and then.
  2. If you think boredom is causing your cat to lick the floor, try keeping the floors clean by vacuuming and mopping. That way, your cat won’t be tempted to lick them anymore.
  3. If there is a spot in particular that your cat keeps licking, you can also try covering it with furniture or a rug so that it becomes less appealing for licking.
  4. Finally, if you think the cause could be medical, make sure to take your cat to the vet for a check-up.


Why is my cat suddenly licking the carpet?

There are a few reasons your cat might lick the carpet. It could be because they’re stressed, bored, or they like the way it feels. Other reasons might be because of changes in diet, not getting enough exercise, or medical problems.

Why is my cat suddenly licking the carpet

Is my cat’s licking behavior normal?

Cats lick the floor for different reasons. If the licking is not too much, it is normal. If the licking does not stop or if your cat starts doing other things that are not usual, take your cat to see the doctor.

Can I stop my cat from licking the floor?

There are ways you can try to stop your cat from licking the floor. Spend more time with your cat, give them toys, play with them often, keep their home clean, and cover spots they like to lick.

If you think there is a medical reason for the behavior, take your cat to the vet for a check-up.

What does it mean if a cat is excessively licking itself?

Excessive licking can be a sign that something is wrong with your cat. It could mean they are stressed, bored, or have an underlying medical issue. It’s best to take your cat to the vet for a check-up if you notice excessive licking behavior.

Why do cats lick smooth surfaces?

Cats may lick smooth surfaces because they like the feeling and texture. They may also do it if they are bored or have an underlying medical issue.

If your cat is excessively licking a surface, it’s best to investigate further by taking them to the vet for a check-up.

What is pica in a cat?

Pica is a condition where cats eat things that are not food. This can be things like shoes, plastic, paper, or even the floor. If you think your cat has pica, you should take them to see the vet.

How do I know if my cat has pica?

If you notice your cat eating or licking non-food items, this could be a sign of pica. If your cat is excessively licking the floor, it may also indicate pica. You should take your cat to see the vet if you think they may have pica.

Why is my cat stress licking?

Stress licking is when a cat licks themselves too much because they are stressed. This can be caused by changes in their environment or routine, too much attention, or not enough attention.

If you think your cat is stress licking, try spending more time with them and giving them toys and treats to help reduce the behavior. If it continues, it’s best to take your cat to the vet for a check-up.

Why is my cat stress licking

What can I do to prevent my cat from licking the floor?

There are a few things you can do to help stop your cat from licking the floor. Try spending more time with them, playing and giving them treats or toys to keep them occupied.

Keep their home clean by vacuuming and mopping often, and cover spots they like to lick with furniture or a rug. If the licking continues, take your cat to the vet for a check-up.

Why is my cat licking the floor so much?

If your cat is excessively licking the floor, it could be a sign of an underlying medical issue. It may also be because they are stressed or bored.

Try giving them more attention, playing with them often and giving them toys to keep them entertained. If this doesn’t help, take your cat to the vet for a check-up.

How do I know if something is wrong with my cat?

If your cat is exhibiting unusual behavior like excessive licking, it could be a sign that something is wrong.

Other signs may include changes in their eating or sleeping habits, restlessness, aggression, or hiding. If you notice any of these behaviors, take your cat to the vet for a check-up.

Does licking the floor indicate a medical issue in cats?

Yes, if your cat is licking the floor too much, it might mean there is a medical problem. If your cat is licking the floor a lot, take them to the vet for a check-up. The vet will be able to tell if there are any health problems.

What should I do if my cat is licking the floor?

If your cat is licking the floor too much, there are a few things you can do. Spend more time with them, give them toys to keep them busy, and clean their home.

Cover spots they like to lick with furniture or a rug. If this does not help and the behavior continues, it is best to take your cat to the vet for a check-up.

Do cats lick floors to get attention?

Cats might lick the floor to get attention. If your cat licks the floor too much, it could mean there is a medical problem. So it is best to take your cat to the vet for a check-up.

You can help prevent this behavior by spending more time with your cat and giving them toys and treats to keep them busy.

Which medical problems can be caused by cats licking the floor?

If your cat is licking the floor a lot, it might have an illness. This could be because of problems with its stomach, teeth, or anxiety. To find out for sure and get help, take your cat to the vet.

Can I prevent my cat from licking the floor?

There are things you can do to stop your cat from licking the floor. Try playing with them more, and giving them treats or toys. Keep their home clean by vacuuming and mopping often. If they still lick the floor, take your cat to the vet for a check-up.

Useful Video: Why Does My Cat LICK So Much?


If you think your cat is licking the floor too much, talk to your veterinarian. They will help you decide what to do. This behavior could be because your cat is bored or curious. But it could also be a sign of a medical problem. If there is a medical problem, it might take time and patience to fix it. But it is worth it to make sure your cat is healthy and happy.

If you think your cat is feeling scared or nervous, there are things you can do to help. There are lots of ways to make your cat feel better, like using a pheromone diffuser or doing behavior training. You might need to try a few different things before you find what works best for your cat.

Thanks for joining us on this journey into understanding why your cat could be licking the floor; we hope you found the answers you were looking for!


  1. https://mybritishshorthair.com/why-is-my-cat-licking-the-floor/
  2. https://betterwithcats.net/why-does-my-cat-lick-the-floor/