Why Does My Cat Sleep With Me and Not My Husband?

Why Does My Cat Sleep With Me and Not My Husband?

Do you ever wonder why your cat prefers to sleep with you instead of your husband or wife? It’s a common question that has puzzled pet owners for years. Some people assume that cats are just trying to make us jealous, while others believe that there is a deeper psychological reason behind this behavior. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore all the possible reasons why cats might choose to sleep with certain members of the family over others. We will also provide some helpful tips on how to encourage your cat to sleep with everyone in the household!

Why your cat sleeps with you


One reason your cat may sleep with you is because they are seeking out warmth. Cats are warm-blooded animals, which means they need to maintain a constant body temperature in order to function properly. In the wild, cats will often curl up together in order to keep each other warm – and this behavior has carried over into the domestic world. If your home is particularly cold or drafty, your cat may see you as a source of warmth and comfort.

Additionally, cats have a higher body temperature than humans – around 37 degrees Celsius, or 98.60 degrees Fahrenheit. This means that when they curl up against us, we can actually help them regulate their body temperature. [3]


The first and most likely reason your cat sleeps with you instead of your husband is because they find you more comfortable. This could be due to the way you smell, the sound of your voice, or simply the fact that you’re usually warmer than him. Cats are very sensitive to their environment and often feel safest when they’re close to someone they trust.

If your cat has been sleeping with you for a while, it’s probably because they’ve grown used to your scent and the sound of your voice. They know that when they’re snuggled up next to you, they’ll feel safe and secure. [3]


One of the main reasons your cat may sleep with you and not your husband is that they simply prefer your company to his. Cats are very independent creatures but that doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy a bit of affection from their humans. If you are the one who provides more cuddles, scratches and overall attention, it’s likely that your cat will want to spend more time with you than anyone else. [3]

Why your cat sleeps with you


One of the main reasons your cat may sleep with you and not your husband is because of territorial boundaries. Cats are very territorial creatures and will often establish their own territory within the home. This means that they may see your husband as a threat to their territory and will avoid him as much as possible. If you have a separate bedroom for your cat, this may be why they prefer to sleep with you instead of your husband. They feel more comfortable in their own space and are less likely to be disturbed by your husband’s movements in the night. [3]


One of the main reasons your cat may sleep with you and not your husband is because they feel safer with you. Cats are very intuitive creatures and can pick up on subtle cues that we may not even be aware of. If your cat feels safer with you, they are more likely to want to sleep next to you.

There are a few things that can make a cat feel unsafe:

  • Not being familiar with their surroundings
  • Loud noises
  • Unfamiliar people or animals

If your cat is used to sleeping in a quiet room by themselves, then suddenly being in a loud and busy household can be quite overwhelming for them. It’s not uncommon for cats to seek out their owner when they’re feeling scared or unsettled. [3]

Bonding time

There are a few reasons your cat may prefer to sleep with you over your husband. One reason could be that they simply enjoy spending more time with you than him. If you’re the one who usually feeds them, plays with them, and gives them attention throughout the day, it makes sense that they would want to sleep next to you at night too. Cats also tend to form stronger bonds with people who show them consistent affection and attention. [3]

Bonding time

Why your cat sleeps with you and not your husband or partner

Are You Their Safety Net?

Cats are creatures of habit and like routine. If you’ve been sleeping with your cat since they were a kitten, they’re likely to continue the habit into adulthood. On the other hand, if your husband or partner has never shared a bed with them, they may not see him as part of their regular routine. Additionally, cats tend to gravitate towards people who show them love and attention. If you give your cat lots of cuddles and belly rubs before bedtime, they’ll probably want to sleep next to you so they can enjoy those loving sensations all night long! [3]

Are You Hotter Than Your Partner

There’s a possibility that your cat finds you more attractive than your husband. While we may not like to think about it, our body temperature is usually a few degrees warmer than men’s bodies. This could be why your cat enjoys snuggling up to you – you’re simply warmer!

Of course, this isn’t the only reason why cats prefer one person over another. If you’re interested in finding out more, keep reading for a comprehensive guide on why my cat sleeps with me and not my husband. [3]

It Is More Practical

There are a few reasons why your cat may prefer to sleep with you over your husband. One possibility is that it is simply more practical for them. If your husband works long hours or is often out of the house, then your cat may not see him as much as they see you. As a result, they may feel more comfortable sleeping with you because they know that you will be there when they need you. [3]

Why your cat sleeps on your head, chest, back or feet

When cats sleep on humans, it’s often on their head, chest or back. This is because these are the warmest parts of the body. Cats also like to be close to their human’s heartbeat and smell their scent. Some cats also enjoy sleeping on their feet because they are often warm due to blood flow. Cats also love elevated surfaces, so sleeping on a high spot like a bed or couch gives them a sense of security and safety. [1]

What can you do?

There are a few things you can do to try and get your cat to sleep with your husband. One is to make sure that your husband is providing the same amount of attention, love, and care that you are. This means petting, playing, and talking to your cat regularly. You might also want to try putting your cat’s food or water near where your husband sleeps so that he smells like their favorite spot. Finally, have patience! It may take some time for your cat to warm up to sleeping with someone new. [1]

What can you do?

How Do Cats Choose Who To Sleep With?

Cats are very choosy about who they sleep with and there are a few factors that go into their decision. The first is comfort. Cats like to sleep in warm, comfortable places and they will often choose the person who provides them with the most comfort. If you have a soft bed and your husband has a hard bed, your cat is more likely to choose you.

The second factor is security. Cats feel safest when they are close to their people and they will often choose to sleep with the person they feel closest to. If you have a strong bond with your cat, she is more likely to want to sleep with you than someone she doesn’t know as well.

The third factor is smell. Cats have a very strong sense of smell and they will often choose to sleep with the person who smells the best to them. If you use a lot of scented products or if you have a strong body odor, your cat may not want to sleep with you. [2]

Should You Or Your Partner Sleep With Your Cat?


  • Sleeping with your cat can provide companionship and comfort, especially if you live alone.
  • Cats emit warmth, which can be beneficial in cooler weather.
  • Sharing your bed with your cat can create a stronger bond between you and your pet. [2]


But there are some cons to having your cat sleep with you that you should be aware of. One is that cats can carry diseases, like toxoplasmosis, which can be harmful to pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems. Another is that cats can disturb your sleep by walking on you or meowing loudly in your ear. And finally, if you have allergies, sleeping with a cat can make them worse. [2]

How To Change Your Cats Sleeping Behavior

If you want your cat to sleep with your husband, there are a few things you can try. First, make sure that your husband is providing a comfortable sleeping environment for the cat. This means a warm bed or blanket in a quiet location. If your husband is not home during the day, he may need to set up a special spot for the cat to sleep so she can get used to it. Secondly, provide plenty of food and water near where your husband sleeps so the cat has everything she needs. Finally, give your husband lots of love and attention so she knows she is wanted and appreciated. With a little patience and effort, hopefully, your cat will start sleeping with her new favorite human! [2]

Can I Change My Cat’s Sleeping Habits?

The answer to this question is unfortunately, no. You cannot change your cat’s sleeping habits. Your cat will sleep where it feels most comfortable and safe. If your cat has been sleeping with you and not your husband, it is likely because your cat feels more comfortable and safe with you than with your husband. [4]

Can I Change My Cat’s Sleeping Habits


Why do cats choose one person to sleep with?

There are a few reasons that your cat may prefer to sleep with you rather than your husband. The first reason is that cats like warmth. Your body heat is likely more appealing to your cat than your husband’s. Secondly, cats enjoy high places. If you have a bed with a tall headboard, this gives them the perfect spot to perch and watch over their kingdom. Thirdly, cats are creatures of habit and tend to stick to routines they’re comfortable with. So if you’ve been letting them sleep in your bed since they were a kitten, they’re unlikely to suddenly change their sleeping habits as an adult.

Why does my cat only wake me up and not my husband?

There are a few reasons your cat may prefer to sleep with you instead of your husband. One reason may be that cats like warm places to sleep, and they see you as a source of warmth. Additionally, cats may enjoy the smell of their humans, and they may associate your scent with safety and security. If your cat is used to sleeping in your bed, they may also simply prefer the comfort and familiarity of their usual spot.

How can you tell if a cat has imprinted on you?

There are certain behaviors that will indicate whether or not a cat has imprinted on you. For example, they may:

  • Follow you around constantly
  • Sleep on your bed or in your room
  • Rub their head against you
  • Sit on you
  • purr when you pet them

How do cats pick their favorite person?

There are a few reasons why your cat may prefer to sleep with you over your husband. One reason could be that they simply like your smell better than his. Cats have a very strong sense of smell and can often be drawn to certain people based on their scent. Another possibility is that your cat feels more comfortable and safe sleeping with you because you provide them with a sense of security. Cats are very intuitive creatures and can pick up on the fact that you are the more relaxed and laid-back person in the relationship, which makes you their ideal sleeping partner.

Do female cats prefer male owners?

No, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that female cats prefer male owners. In fact, studies have shown that cats are not particularly attracted to any one gender over another. So if your cat chooses to sleep with you and not your husband, it likely has more to do with factors like comfort, security, and familiarity than anything else.

Do female cats prefer male owners

What gender cat is more affectionate?

There is no scientific evidence that suggests one gender of cat is more affectionate than the other. In fact, cats are individuals with their own unique personalities, so it really depends on the cat him or herself. However, some people believe that female cats tend to be more affectionate than male cats. If you have a male and female cat, you may notice that the female is the one who always seems to want to be around you and be petted, while the male may prefer to keep his distance.

Can cats tell the gender of humans?

There are a few reasons your cat may prefer to sleep with you over your husband. One possibility is that cats can tell the difference between men and women, and they may feel more comfortable snuggling up to someone of the same gender. Studies have shown that cats are attracted to people who remind them of their mothers, so it’s possible your cat sees you as a mother figure.

Another reason your cat may sleep with you and not your husband is that he simply doesn’t like the way your husband smells. Cats have a very strong sense of smell, and they use scent to communicate. If your husband uses a different shampoo or soap than you do, that could be enough to make him less appealing to your cat.

Useful Video: Why Does My Cat Sleep With Me & Not My Husband? What Does It Mean?


So, there you have it! A comprehensive guide to why your cat may prefer to sleep with you over your husband. Remember, every cat is different and there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. If you’re concerned about your cat’s sleeping habits, be sure to talk to your veterinarian for more advice. Thanks for reading!


  1. https://www.animalwised.com/why-does-my-cat-sleep-with-me-and-not-my-husband-1451.html
  2. https://thediscerningcat.com/why-does-my-cat-sleep-with-me-and-not-my-husband/
  3. https://betterwithcats.net/why-does-my-cat-sleep-with-me-not-my-husband/
  4. https://excitedcats.com/why-does-my-cat-sleep-with-me/