Why Does My Cat Swipe at Me When I Walk By?

Why Does My Cat Swipe at Me When I Walk By?

If you have a cat at home, then you might have experienced your cat swatting at you out of the blue. This behavior can be confusing and irritating for pet owners who just want to keep their cats happy and healthy.

In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the common reasons behind the mysterious “swat,” so that hopefully you can gain better insight on what’s going on with your feline friend — and maybe even find a solution!

Why Does My Cat Swipe At Me When I Walk By ?

Your Cat Wants To Play

Cats like to be active and can get bored if they’re not doing anything. So, when you walk by them, they may think that you’re playing with them. If your cat swats at you in these instances, it’s likely that they’re just trying to initiate a game with you.

One way to help your cat when you’re not around is to give them toys and games that will keep them busy. You can also try playing with your cat more often, to give them the physical and mental stimulation they need.

Your Cat Wants To Get Your Attention

Sometimes cats will swat at you to get your attention. If you’re ignoring them, or haven’t been giving them enough attention, then they may be trying to communicate that with a gentle swat.

If this is the case, then give your cat more attention and affection throughout the day. Playing games together or just spending time petting and grooming them can really make a difference. [1]

Your Cat Feels Territorial

Cats are naturally territorial animals, so if they hear or see something unfamiliar in their space, they may swat at it. In this case, your cat might see you as an intruder in their territory and might swipe at you to “protect” it.

To avoid this, try not to startle your cat when you walk by. If possible, make sure they know you’re coming and give them time to adjust to your presence before approaching them.

You can also provide spaces where your cat feels safe and secure, such as a high perch or their own bed.

Your Cat Feels Territorial

You Scared Your Cat

Cats usually don’t like loud noises or sudden movements, so if you make either of these while walking by your cat they may swat at you as a reaction.

Remember to be gentle when around cats, move slowly and speak in a soft voice. If possible, also try playing some calming music that will help relax your cat and help them feel safe.

Your Cat Is Aggressive

If you ever feel like your cat is being too rough with their swipes, then it’s important to check in on their behavior and try to figure out what might be causing them distress.

If your cat is being aggressive, it could be because they need more exercise or playtime. But it could also mean there is a medical problem.

If your cat has been behaving aggressively for a while, you should take them to the vet to make sure they are okay.

You Ignored Your Cat

Cats are social animals and need attention to feel secure. If you ignore your cat or don’t give them enough attention then they may swat at you in an attempt to get your attention.

To keep your cat from getting bored, try playing with them regularly and giving them love and affection. You can also give them plenty of toys and interactive games to help keep them entertained. [1]

You Ignored Your Cat

Is It Normal For Cats To Swipe At You?

It is normal for cats to swipe at you, but it’s important to pay attention to the behavior and make sure it’s not aggressive. Cats are naturally territorial animals and may swat at you as a form of communication or play.

If your cat is being too rough, or if their behavior has changed suddenly, it could be a sign of an underlying medical issue. So it’s important to take them to the vet.

And if you ever feel unsafe around your cat, take action and find a solution so that both you and your cat can feel safe.

Why Do Cats Hit You When You Walk By?

Cats may swat at you when you walk by for a variety of reasons, including wanting to play or get your attention, feeling territorial or scared, or being aggressive. Whenever your cat swipes at you, it’s important to pay attention to the behavior and make sure it is not aggressive.

If your cat is behaving badly because they are bored or don’t feel loved, try giving them more time to play and showing them more affection. If their behavior changes suddenly, take them to the vet to make sure they are okay.

How To Get A Cat To Stop Swiping?

If your cat is swiping at you, there are a few things you can do to stop it. First and foremost, make sure your cat feels safe and secure in their environment by providing plenty of hiding places and spaces where they feel safe.

Next, make sure your cat gets enough playtime and love from you. Playing games with your cat and showing them affection will help them trust you more. Finally, be gentle when around cats and move slowly so as not to startle them.

If your cat keeps having this problem, you should take your cat to the vet. The vet can help you figure out how to make your cat stop doing this behavior. It might be that your cat is sick and needs medicine.

Why Does My Cat Attack My Legs When I Walk By?

Your cat may be attacking your legs because it feels like its territory is being threatened. Cats often attack their owners’ feet and ankles if they feel like their territory is in danger.

To prevent this from happening, make sure to move slowly when around cats and avoid making sudden movements or noises that could startle them.

It’s also possible that your cat may be attacking your legs out of boredom or a need for attention. If so, try to give your cat more playtime and love. Playing games and showing them affection will help build trust between you and reduce the chances of them swiping at you when you walk by.

If you have tried everything and your cat is still attacking your legs, it is time to go to the vet. There could be a medical problem causing this behavior. The vet will check to see if there are any health issues. [2]

Why Does My Cat Try to Trip Me When I Walk?

Your cat may be trying to trip you when you walk for many reasons. It could be out of territorial aggression, wanting to get your attention, or as a form of play.

It is important to take action if your cat feels scared. The best way to do this is to stay calm and be gentle around them. Also, try to move slowly so that you do not scare them.

Spend more time with your cat by playing with them or petting them. They will trust you more and be less likely to try to hurt you when you walk by.

Why Does My Cat Try to Trip Me When I Walk

Why Does My Cat Zig-Zag In Front of Me?

Cats zig-zag in front of you to get your attention or as a form of play. They may also do this to show their affection or even if they are feeling bored and want some activity.

If your cat is doing this behavior, try playing with them more often or giving them extra love and affection. If the behavior does not stop, you may want to take them to the vet to make sure there are no medical reasons for this behavior.

If your cat zig-zags in front of you out of aggression or fear, try moving slowly around them and be gentle. This will help them feel secure and less likely to do the behavior.


What does it mean when your cat swipes at your leg?

When your cat swipes at your leg, it could mean that they feel threatened or scared. It can also be a sign of territorial aggression or a way to get your attention.

If you are having trouble with a kitty that swipes at you, try being very gentle and soft when you move around them.

This will help them trust you more, and they will be less likely to swipe at you. You should also give them lots of places to hide and play so they feel safe and loved.

If the behavior persists, then it may be a medical issue and it is best to take your cat to the vet for further examination.

What should I do if my cat swipes at me?

If your cat is swiping at you, try to figure out why they are doing it. Are they scared or feeling threatened? If so, try to eliminate whatever it is and reduce their stress levels.

You should also give your cat more attention and playtime. This will help them feel more secure, and reduce the chances of them swiping at you when you walk by.

What should I do if my cat swipes at me

How do you stop your cat from swiping at you?

The best way to stop a cat from swiping at you is to make sure they feel secure and safe. Try moving slowly around them and being gentle when interacting with them.

Spend time playing with your cat, giving them attention and love, and providing places for them to hide or explore. This will help build trust between the two of you and reduce the chances of them swiping at you when you walk by.

Why does my cat randomly swat at me?

Your cat may randomly swat at you for many reasons. It could be out of territorial aggression, wanting to get your attention, or as a form of play.

It is important to help your cat if it feels scared. The best way to do this is by staying calm and being gentle. Also, try to move slowly so you don’t scare it.

Spend more time with your cat by playing or petting it. Then it will trust you more and be less likely to try to hurt you when you walk by.

Why do cats point their bums at you?

When cats point their bums at you, it means they feel safe and trusting. This behavior is often seen during playtime or when the cat is feeling content. It is also a way for them to show their affection and trust towards you.

If your cat does this behavior, it means that it feels comfortable around you. You can give them extra love and attention when they do this to show that you appreciate their trust.

What does it mean when a cat rubs against you?

When a cat rubs against you, it means they are trying to mark their territory. Cats have scent glands on their faces and tails that release pheromones which help them feel safe and secure in their environment.

Cats show affection by rubbing against you. They do this because they feel comfortable and content when you are around them. You can show your appreciation for this behavior by giving them extra love and attention.

How can I tell if my cat loves me?

It is difficult to know exactly what your cat feels, but there are some signs that indicate they love you. These include purring when you pet them, playing and cuddling with you, rubbing against you, responding positively to your voice, or following you around.

You can show your love for your cat by playing with them, and giving them lots of attention. These will help strengthen the bond between you and your cat, and show them how much you care.

Does my cat think I am its mom?

No, your cat does not think of you as their mother. Cats have been domesticated for centuries, and they recognize humans as members of their family rather than their parents.

Cats treat humans differently from other cats because we provide them with food, shelter, and love. Your cat may come to you for comfort and show affection, but they still recognize the difference between humans and cats.

Do cats remember people?

Yes, cats can remember people. They have excellent long-term memories and can recall people, places, and experiences. However, their short-term memory may not be as strong as dogs or humans.

Cats remember people by the way they sound or smell. If you have spent a lot of time with your cat, it will recognize you and be more likely to show signs of affection.

Cats are also very loyal, so once they trust someone, they will remember that person for life.

Do cats remember people

Which cat breeds are most affectionate?

There is no one breed of cat that is more affectionate than another. All cats have different personalities and levels of affection, so it really comes down to the individual cat. Some breeds, however, tend to be more social and cuddly than others.

Siamese cats are known for being very social and affectionate. Persian cats are also very gentle and loving, while Maine Coons are known for their laid-back personalities.

Ragdolls, Bengals, and British Shorthairs also tend to be more affectionate than other breeds.

Are cats better companions than dogs?

The answer to this question depends on what you like. Cats and dogs can both be great pets, but they offer different kinds of companionship. Cats usually don’t need as much attention as dogs and they are often quieter. They also take up less space in the home.

Is it better to have one or two cats?

It is generally considered better to have two cats, as they can provide companionship and play for each other when you aren’t around. If you only have one cat, it can become lonely quickly.

This could lead to your cat displaying destructive behaviours such as clawing at furniture or attacking you when you walk by.

Does a cat need a companion?

It is not necessary for cats to have another cat as a companion, but it can be beneficial. Cats are social animals and can become lonely if left alone for too long. Having another cat around can provide companionship and help keep your cat entertained when you’re not around.

If you decide to get two cats, make sure to give them ample time and space to explore each other. This will help them form a strong bond and ensure that they feel comfortable in their home. Cats can make great companions for people of all ages.

Is it cruel to keep a cat indoors?

It is not mean to keep a cat inside if they have everything they need. Cats who live only inside will still need a place to use the bathroom, food and water, places to scratch, toys, and comfy places to sleep.

Indoor cats should also be given plenty of attention and activities to keep them entertained. This could include playing with toys, scratching posts, or window perches that look out onto the outdoors.

Keeping your cat indoors will also protect them from potential dangers such as traffic, other animals, and extreme weather. While cats do enjoy exploring outside, it is important to make sure that they are safe.

Useful Video: Why Does My Cat Slap Me With Its Paw?


It’s important to remember that cats aren’t trying to hurt us when they swipe at us; they’re just trying to tell us how they feel. If our furry friends are feeling scared or threatened, swatting is a possible way for them to communicate that.

We can help them feel safer by providing more hiding spots and spending quality time with them. If we understand why cats act this way, it will make a big difference in our relationship with our little kitty companions.

Cats may act differently when something big changes in their environment, but we can help them feel better by paying attention to how they act, being nice to them, and giving them some time. Now let’s go show our cats some love!


  1. https://faqcats.com/why-does-my-cat-swipe-at-me-when-i-walk-by/
  2. https://www.petsgal.com/why-does-my-cat-swipe-at-me/