How to Tell if Cat Still Has Kittens Inside?

How to Tell if Cat Still Has Kittens Inside?

If you’ve been noticing your cat behaving differently lately and suspect that she might have kittens inside her, it can be a worrying time. But the good news is there are some ways to get an indication of any potential pregnancy – without having to take your cat to the vet.

In this blog post, we’ll tell you everything you need to look out for so that you know if your furry friend is pregnant, from gaining weight and increased appetite, to more vocalisation than usual. We’ll also share tips on what to do in preparation for when kitty does give birth!

How to Tell if Your Cat Still Has Kittens Inside

She’s Breathing Heavily

If your cat is breathing heavier than normal, this might mean that she is pregnant and carrying a litter of kittens. Her body has to work harder to support the growth of the kittens, so it is normal for her to have an increased respiratory rate.

She’s Being Extremely Vocal

A pregnant cat will usually be much more vocal than usual. She may meow, purr and even yowl loudly – all signs that she might have a litter of kittens inside her!

She’s Gaining Weight

Another indication that your cat is pregnant is if you notice her gaining weight, particularly in the abdominal area. This is due to the extra weight of the kittens growing inside her. [1]

She’s Straining

If your cat is having a hard time going to the bathroom, this could be a sign that she is pregnant and has kittens inside her. This happens because the kittens are taking up more space in her womb, which doesn’t leave much room for her to get rid of any waste.

She’s Straining

She’s Showing Signs of Aggression

If your cat is suddenly being aggressive, for example by hissing and growling at you or other animals, this could be a sign that she is feeling stressed because she is pregnant.

She’s Eating More Than Usual

If your cat is eating more than normal, it might be because she is pregnant. The kittens need a lot of energy and nutrition to grow properly, so her body needs her to eat more food.

Knowing how to tell if your cat still has kittens inside her can help you prepare for when she does give birth. It’s important that you provide a safe and comfortable space for her, as well as all the necessary supplies such as towels, blankets and a litter box.

You should also keep an eye out for any signs of distress from your cat during labour, so that you can seek help if needed. [1]

The Placenta Hasn’t Passed

You can tell your cat still has kittens inside her if the placenta hasn’t passed yet. The placenta contains all the fluids and nutrition that the kittens need to grow, so it must pass before they can be born.

If you notice that your cat isn’t passing any placenta after giving birth, it could mean that she still has kittens inside her that need to be born.

She’s Not Focused on Her Newborn Kittens

If your cat seems to be ignoring her newborn kittens and does not appear to be concerned about them, this could mean that she is still expecting more babies. She may continue to act uninterested in the litter until all of her kittens have been born.

There Is Still Discharge Coming Out

After your cat has kittens, there will be a discharge. If the discharge is still there after two hours, it means that she still has kittens inside her and needs to give birth to them.

You can tell if your cat still has kittens inside her by looking for certain signs. If you notice anything unusual or concerning with your cat’s pregnancy, seek help from your vet.

There Were More Kittens in the Ultrasound

If you had an ultrasound done on your cat during her pregnancy, the results can tell you if she still has kittens inside her. If the ultrasound showed more kittens than were born, then it means that there are still some unborn kittens in her womb.

It is important to know how to tell if your cat still has kittens inside her. This is so you can make sure they are healthy and safe. Look for the signs mentioned above, and keep an eye on your cat’s behaviour during her pregnancy. If you have any worries or questions, ask your vet for help right away.

She’s Restless

If your cat is restless, it might mean that she is going into labour. This means that she will have kittens soon. She might pace around or pant a lot. She may also seem agitated or uncomfortable. These are all signs that she still has kittens inside her that need to be born.

She’s Restless

What to Do After All the Kittens Are Born?

Once all the kittens have been born, you should take your cat to the vet. This is important so that we can make sure there are no more kittens inside your cat’s stomach, and also to make sure that your cat is healthy and not in any pain. The vet can also give you advice on how to care for your newborn kittens and what to do next.

During your cat’s pregnancy, it is important to stay alert and aware of her health. Pay attention to any signs that she might be showing that indicate she still has kittens inside her. If you have any concerns, speak to your vet right away. They can help guide you on how best to care for your cat and ensure the safe  delivery of her kittens.

It is important to be informed when you are pregnant with a cat. Knowing how to tell if your cat still has kittens inside can help you provide the best care possible. With proper preparation and guidance, you can make sure that both mother and babies are happy and healthy!

Symptoms of Dead Kitten Inside Cat

It is possible that your cat still has a dead kitten inside her. If you notice any of the following symptoms, it could mean that there is a deceased fetus in the uterus:

  • Your cat stops producing milk for her kittens
  • She shows signs of depression or lethargy
  • She does not produce any more discharge after labour
  • She has a fever or other signs of illness
  • She has an unusually large abdomen for the number of kittens she has delivered

If you think there is still a dead kitten inside your cat, take her to the vet right away. The vet can check for any infection and do tests to see if there are any problems with the pregnancy. They can also help you figure out what to do next to make sure your cat is healthy and safe. [2]

Symptoms of Dead Kitten Inside Cat


If your cat is still having difficulty giving birth after two hours, it could mean that the kittens are in a malpositioned position. This means that they are not lined up correctly or are stuck in the birth canal.

If this happens, you should take your cat to the vet right away so they can help her give birth safely .

If your vet needs to help your cat deliver the kittens, they may need to do a c-section or use forceps or other medical tools. This is why it’s important to know how to tell if your cat still has kittens inside her and be prepared for malpositioned births.

Your vet can help guide you through the process and make sure that your cat and her kittens are safe.

How to Deal with Cats With Kittens Still Inside?

If your cat has been pregnant for more than 65 days, you think she still has kittens inside, and you want to make sure they are okay, take her to the vet. The vet can do tests to check if there are any problems with the pregnancy or any signs of infection. They can also give you advice on the best way to care for your cat and deliver the kittens safely.

If you notice any of the signs of labor, such as panting or restlessness, it is important to stay with her until all the kittens are born. If she needs help during labor, make sure that you take her to a vet right away so they can provide the best care for her and her kittens.


How do you know if there are still kittens inside?

The best way to tell if your cat still has kittens inside is to look for signs of labor. She will likely start panting, become restless, and begin producing clear discharge from her vagina. If you notice any of these signs, it’s a good indication that she is in labor and that there are still kittens inside her.

You can also take her to the vet for tests and ultrasounds to check for any problems with the pregnancy or signs of infection.

How do you know if there are still kittens inside

What should I do if my cat has kittens still inside?

If your cat has been pregnant for more than 65 days and you think she still has kittens inside, it is important to take her to the vet right away. The vet can do tests and ultrasounds to make sure there are no problems with the pregnancy or any signs of infection.

If she is in labor, it is important to stay with her until all of the kittens are born. If she needs help during labor, take her to a vet so they can provide the best care for her and her kittens.

What happens when a kitten dies inside the womb?

If a kitten dies inside the womb, you should take your cat to the vet. The vet can check for any infection and do tests to see if there are any problems with the pregnancy. They can also help you figure out what to do next so that your cat and her remaining kittens are safe.

How long does it take for a cat to deliver all of her kittens?

The time it takes for a cat to have all her kittens can be different. But usually, it takes three or four hours.

If it has been more than two hours and your cat is still having kittens, something could be wrong. Maybe the kittens are in the wrong position. You should take your cat to the vet right away if this happens.

How long does it take for a cat to deliver all of her kittens

What to do when your cat has kittens unexpectedly?

If your cat has kittens, you need to be ready. Make sure she has a place to have the kittens that is safe and comfortable. She will also need clean bedding. Once the kittens are born, you will need to provide them with food, water, and toys.

Take her to the vet right away if you notice any signs of labor. This will ensure she gets the best care during and after delivery. If your cat needs help, the vet will be able to provide her with the medical assistance and advice that she needs.

Why can’t I feel my cats and kittens move?

If you can’t feel your cats and kittens move, it is because they are too small. At first, the kittens will be very small and their movements are not easy to feel. If you still cannot feel them moving after a few weeks, take her to the vet. The vet can determine if there is anything wrong with the pregnancy or any infection.

When should I take my cat to the vet?

You should take your cat to the vet right away if you notice any signs of labor or any problems with her pregnancy. The vet can provide medical assistance and advice for a safe delivery. If your cat needs help, they can also perform tests and ultrasounds to make sure everything is going well.

It is also important to take her to the vet if you notice any signs of infection or if it has been more than two hours and she is still in labor. This will help make sure your cat and her kittens stay healthy.

How can I tell if my cat is in labor?

There are a few signs that your cat is going to have kittens. She may be restless, panting, licking her genital area, nesting, or having contractions. If you see any of these signs, take her to the vet right away. The vet can help with the delivery and make sure everything is going well.

By understanding the signs of labor and taking your cat to the vet if needed, you can help ensure a safe delivery for both your cat and her kittens. Knowing when to take action is an important part of keeping your pet healthy and happy.

Does my cat need help delivering her kittens?

In some cases, your cat may need help with the delivery of her kittens. If she stops producing milk or starts to look like she is in pain and not making any progress, take her to the vet right away for medical assistance. The vet can provide pain relief and help deliver any remaining kittens if needed.

Do cats get tired after giving birth?

Yes, cats can get tired after giving birth. Give your cat time to rest and recover. This will help her body heal from delivering kittens. Make sure she has a comfortable area to sleep in away from any loud noises or disturbances. She also needs lots of food, water, and love.

When a cat has kittens, it is a big event and she needs time to recover. Make sure your cat gets the rest and care she needs by taking her to the vet if needed and providing her with a comfortable area to relax. With the right care, your cat will be back on her feet soon!

Do cats eat their kittens?

No, cats usually do not eat their own kittens. In a few cases where the mother cat cannot take care of her young ones or has too many kittens, she may eat her own kittens.

This can happen because there is not enough food, the mother cat is not healthy, or there is another medical problem. If you think any of these things might be happening, take the mother cat to the vet right away for help.

Do cats eat their kittens

Is there anything else I can do to help my cat?

Yes, there are things you can do to help your cat during and after delivery. Make sure she has a clean area to give birth in that is free from disturbance and provides enough space for her and the kittens. Make sure she always has access to fresh food, water, and a litter box.

Make sure to give the mother cat some extra love and attention during this time. This includes talking to her in a gentle and comforting voice, as well as petting her often to let her know she is loved. Additionally, ensure that she has plenty of soft bedding for the kittens to sleep in.

Can I help my cat with the delivery?

No, it is best not to intervene with the delivery of kittens. If your cat needs help delivering her kittens, take her to the vet right away for assistance. The vet can provide pain relief and make sure everything goes smoothly.

Understanding when your cat is going into labor and providing her with a safe and comfortable area to give birth will help ensure that the delivery is successful.

What if my cat doesn’t have enough milk for her kittens?

If your cat doesn’t have enough milk for her kittens, take her to the vet right away. The vet can give supplements and other treatments that can help increase the mother’s milk production so all of her kittens get the nourishment they need.

It is important to make sure your cat has enough milk for her kittens. If you think she doesn’t have enough, take her to the vet right away. With the right care, your cat and her kittens will be safe and healthy!

How can I tell if my cat still has kittens inside?

If your cat has been in labor for a long time, there may still be kittens inside. Look for signs that she is in pain or discomfort such as panting, pacing, vocalizing, or hiding away from people and other animals. If these signs persist after a few hours , take your cat to the vet right away.

Additionally, you can feel your cat’s stomach for any remaining kittens. If you notice any hard lumps inside her abdomen that are not moving, these could be unborn kittens and need medical attention.

What if I suspect my cat has too many kittens inside?

If there are too many kittens inside your cat, take her to the vet right away. The vet can help with the pain and deliver the remaining kittens. If the mother can’t nurse all of the kittens, you may need to give them food from a bottle or formula.

It is important to take care of your cat during this time. Make sure she has a clean and comfortable place to have her babies with lots of soft bedding for the kittens.

Useful Video: Can you feel kittens in a pregnant cat?


There are some signs that show your cat might have kittens inside of her. These signs are things like if she is grooming a lot, restless or tired, having a hard time going to the bathroom, or changes in size or shape. If you’re not sure, ask your vet or bring your cat in for an ultrasound.

Once you have identified if there’s still kittens inside or not then you can decide on which route you’d like to take alongside vet advice when caring for your furry feline friend.

Thanks for reading and we hope that this made it easier for anyone wondering how they would be able to properly care for their cats if something like this happens!

