Why Does My Cat Meow When I Pick Her Up?

Why Does My Cat Meow When I Pick Her Up?

Do you have a cat that meows when you pick her up? It can be a puzzling and frustrating behavior. Why does my cat Meow when I Pick Her Up? There are several reasons why your cat might do this, and we will explore them all in this comprehensive article. We will also provide some helpful tips on how to stop this behavior. So, if you want to know why your cat meows when you pick her up, keep reading!

Your Cat Likes Your Company

One reason your cat might meow when you pick her up is because she likes your company! Cats are social creatures, and some of them enjoy being held and cuddled. If your cat meows when you pick her up, it could be a sign that she enjoys your affection and attention.

Of course, not all cats like to be held. Some prefer to keep their feet on the ground. If you’re not sure whether your cat enjoys being picked up, pay attention to her body language. Does she seem relaxed? Or does she tense up and try to squirm away? If she seems uncomfortable, it’s best to put her down and give her some space. [1]

Your Cat Is Hungry

One of the most common reasons your cat may meow when you pick her up is that she’s hungry. If you’ve noticed that your cat has been particularly vocal lately, it may be worth considering if she’s due for a meal. Cats can be very good at masking their hunger, so it’s important to keep an eye on their food intake and body condition. If you’re not sure whether your cat is getting enough to eat, talk to your veterinarian about ways to increase her caloric intake. [1]

Your Cat Is Hungry

Your Cat Doesn’t Like How You Picked Them Up

You could be picking them up the wrong way! There are a few ways to pick up a cat properly, and if you’re not doing it correctly, your cat will let you know with some meows. The first way is to scoop them up from under their belly, using both hands to support their weight. Another way is to cup your hand around their chest and back legs and lift them gently that way. If you try to pick them up by the scruff of their neck or by just one leg, they’re going to let you know that they don’t appreciate it! [1]

Your Cat Is Stressed

There are a number of reasons why your cat may be stressed, and this could be one of them. If you’ve recently moved house or there have been changes in your routine (including visitors to the home), that could be enough to stress out your feline friend. Other causes of stress in cats include loud noises, changes in temperature, and even other pets in the home. If you think your cat is stressed, look for other signs such as excessive grooming, hiding away, or a change in appetite. [1]

Your Cat Doesn’t Like Being Held

One of the reasons your cat may meow when you pick her up is that she doesn’t like being held. This isn’t necessarily a sign that something is wrong, some cats simply don’t enjoy being cuddled. If your cat typically enjoys being held but starts meowing when you pick her up, it could be a sign that she’s in pain or uncomfortable. Pay attention to her body language and see if you can identify any other changes that may indicate why she’s no longer enjoying being held. [1]

If your cat typically doesn’t like being held, there’s no need to force it. Just let her down gently and give her some space. She’ll likely appreciate it!

Your Cat Isn’t Feeling The Bond

Have you ever thought that your cat meowing when you picked her up could be a sign that she wasn’t feeling the bond? According to Pam Johnson-Bennett, certified animal behavior consultant, “Cats are very much in tune with their environment and pick up on subtle changes. If you’ve been away for a while or are acting differently in some way, your cat may feel insecure and vocalize her discomfort.” If you think this might be the case, try spending more time with your cat and see if she stops meowing when you pick her up. [1]

Your Cat Isn’t Feeling The Bond

Your Cat Isn’t Feeling Well

The first reason why your cat may be meowing when you pick her up is that she isn’t feeling well. If your cat is usually quiet and doesn’t meow much, then suddenly starts meowing when you pick her up, it could be a sign that something is wrong. Maybe she’s in pain or not feeling well. If this is the case, take her to the vet to get checked out. [1]

They’re Just Being Chatty

One of the most common reasons why cats meow when picked up is because they’re trying to communicate with you. Just like we use different tones of voice to convey different things, cats do too. A higher pitched “meow” might mean they’re feeling pain or are in distress, while a lower pitched “meow” is usually just friendly chatter. If your cat seems happy and healthy, chances are they’re just being chatty! [2]

They’re in Heat

If your cat is meowing excessively and rubbing against you more than usual, they may be in heat. When a female cat goes into heat, they experience a surge in estrogen which can make them extremely vocal. If your cat is spayed, this isn’t something you have to worry about. However, if they are not spayed, it’s important to take them to the vet as soon as possible to get them fixed.

Another indication that your cat is in heat is if they start urinating more frequently and outside of their litter box. This is because they are marking their territory in an attempt to attract mates. If you think your cat is in heat, it’s best to consult with your vet to see if they need to be spayed.

While most cats are spayed or neutered before they go into heat, sometimes it doesn’t happen that way. If your cat is in heat and you don’t want them to have kittens, the best thing you can do is take them to the vet so they can be spayed. [2]

You’re not bonded well

If you don’t have a strong bond with your cat, she may feel insecure when you pick her up. This is especially true if you’re not gentle with her or if you haven’t been spending enough time with her. Spend more time petting her, playing with her, and talking to her in a soft voice. Once she starts to trust you more, she’ll be less likely to meow when you pick her up. [4]

Unpleasant Scent

One possible reason your cat is meowing when you pick her up is that she smells something unpleasant on you. Cats have a very strong sense of smell, and if they detect an unpleasant odor, they may meow to let you know. If you’ve been handling anything particularly stinky (like garbage or fish), make sure to wash your hands before picking up your cat. You should also avoid wearing perfumes or colognes around your cat, as these can be overwhelming to their sensitive noses.

If you think your cat may be reacting to an unpleasant scent, try giving her a good brushing before picking her up. This will help remove any unwanted smells from her fur and make her more pleasant to hold. You can also try using a different type of litter or bedding in her litter box, as some cats are sensitive to certain smells. If you’re not sure what’s causing the problem, ask your veterinarian for advice. [4]

Unpleasant Scent

Independent Cat

Your cat may be meowing to let you know that she doesn’t want to be picked up. Cats are very independent creatures and usually prefer to do things on their own terms. If you try to pick up your cat when she doesn’t want to be picked up, she may meow in protest. It’s best to respect your cat’s wishes and only pick her up when she seems receptive to it.

There could also be a medical reason for your cat’s meowing. If your cat is suddenly meowing more than usual, it might be a sign that something is wrong. If you’re concerned about your cat’s health, it’s always best to consult with a veterinarian. [4]

He may have other needs at the time

Your cat may be meowing because he needs something else at the moment. He may need to use the litter box, be hungry, or want to play. If you think this is the case, try to figure out what your cat needs and attend to it.

Another reason your cat may be meowing is that he’s bored. Cats can get bored just like any other pet, and when they do, they’ll often vocalize their boredom. If you think this is why your cat is meowing, try playing with him or giving him some new toys to keep him entertained. [6]

Should I Worry If My Cat Cries When I Pick Them Up?

If your cat is meowing when you pick them up, it’s likely they’re trying to communicate something to you. Cats meow for a variety of reasons, and it’s important to try and understand what your cat is trying to tell you. In most cases, there’s no need to worry if your cat cries when you pick them up. However, if the meowing is accompanied by other signs of distress (e.g., hissing, growling, or swatting), it’s best to consult with your veterinarian. [1]

There are a few possible reasons why your cat may cry when you pick them up:

Your cat may simply be protesting being picked up. Some cats don’t like being handled and will vocalize their displeasure. If this is the case, it’s best to respect your cat’s wishes and not force them into a situation they’re uncomfortable with.

Your cat may be trying to tell you that they don’t feel well. If your cat is meowing and seems to be in pain, it’s important to take them to the vet right away.

Your cat may be hungry or thirsty. Cats can be very vocal when they’re hungry or thirsty, so if you think this might be the case, try offering your cat some food or water.

If you’re not sure why your cat is meowing when you pick them up, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and consult with your veterinarian. [6]

Why Might A Cat Whine When Picked Up?

There are several reasons your cat may whine when you pick her up. She may be trying to communicate that she’s in pain, or she may simply be uncomfortable with being handled. If your cat typically enjoys being picked up and suddenly starts whining when you try to lift her, it’s important to take her to the vet to rule out any medical causes of her discomfort.

Your cat may also start whining if she’s feeling anxious or stressed. If you’ve recently introduced a new pet into the home, for example, she may whine when you pick her up because she’s feeling insecure. Similarly, if there have been any big changes in your household (a move, a new baby, etc.), your cat may start whining because she’s feeling out of sorts. [1]

Why Might A Cat Whine When Picked Up

What To Do If Your Cat Dislikes Being Picked Up?

There are a few things you can do if your cat doesn’t like being picked up. First, try to only pick her up when it’s absolutely necessary, such as when she needs to go to the vet or get groomed. If you do need to pick her up, make sure you do it gently and slowly so as not to startle her. You can also try using a carrier or crate instead of picking her up, which may be less stressful for both of you. Finally, if your cat is really resistant to being picked up, you may want to consult with a veterinarian or animal behaviorist to see if there’s an underlying medical or behavioral issue that can be addressed. [1]

Why Does My Cat Run Away When I Try To Pick Her Up?

There are a few reasons why your cat may run away when you try to pick her up. One reason could be that she doesn’t like being picked up. Some cats just don’t enjoy being held, and it’s nothing personal. If this is the case with your cat, simply respect her wishes and don’t try to pick her up.

Another reason your cat may run away when you try to pick her up is that she’s scared or feels threatened. This is often the case with rescue cats who haven’t had a lot of positive experiences with humans. If your cat falls into this category, it will take some time and patience on your part to gain her trust. Slowly but surely, she’ll start to realize that you’re not a threat and that being picked up by you is actually a pretty nice experience.

Last but not least, your cat may run away when you try to pick her up because she’s trying to tell you something. Maybe she’s hungry or needs to use the litter box. Or, perhaps she just wants to be left alone and doesn’t want to be bothered. If this is the case, paying attention to your cat’s body language and meows will give you a better idea of what she’s trying to communicate. [3]

Why Does My Cat Meow When I Wake Her Up

There could be a few reasons why your cat meows when you first wake her up in the morning. Maybe she’s hungry and wants you to feed her right away. Or, she could just be excited to see you and want some attention. If your cat typically meows for food when she sees you in the morning, try feeding her a little earlier to see if that stops the meowing. If she just wants attention, try petting her or playing with her for a few minutes before starting your day.

Another reason your cat may meow when you wake her up is because she needs to go to the bathroom. Cats usually sleep for around 16 hours per day, so they can hold their bladder for a long time. But sometimes they may need to go right when they wake up. If your cat meows and then immediately goes to the litter box, she probably just needed to use the bathroom.

If your cat typically meows when you first wake her up and you’re not sure why, try paying attention to see if there’s a pattern. Does she always meow at a certain time? Does she only meow on days when you sleep in? Once you identify any patterns, it will be easier to figure out why your cat is meowing and how to stop it.

Another reason your cat may be meowing when you pick her up is because she’s in pain. Cats are good at hiding their pain, so it can be difficult to tell if they’re hurt. If your cat suddenly starts meowing when you pick her up, it’s important to take her to the vet to rule out any medical problems. [5]

Why Does My Cat Meow When I Wake Her Up

Why Does My Kitten Cry When I Pick Her Up

If you’ve ever picked up your kitten and been greeted with a loud meow, you may be wondering why she’s doing this. There are actually a few reasons why your kitten may cry when you pick her up. Let’s take a look at a few of the most common ones.

One reason your kitten may cry when you pick her up is that she’s not used to being handled. This is especially true if you just got her or if she’s still getting used to her new home. She may be scared or uncomfortable being held, and the meowing is her way of expressing that. If this is the case, simply give her some time to adjust and get used to being picked up. [5]


Why does my cat not like to be picked up?

There could be several reasons why your cat does not enjoy being picked up. It could be that they are not used to it and feel insecure, or they may simply prefer their feet to remain on the ground. If you have recently adopted your cat, they may also be meowing as a way of communicating their discomfort with being held. Regardless of the reason, there are a few things you can do to help make your cat more comfortable with being picked up.

Here are a few tips:

  • Start by slowly petting your cat and gradually working your way up to picking them up. This will help them get used to the idea of being touched and handled.
  • Make sure you support their bottom and back legs when you pick them up. This will help to prevent them from feeling like they are going to fall.
  • Hold them close to your body so that they feel secure. You can also try wrapping them in a towel or blanket if they seem particularly anxious.
  • Talk to them in a soothing voice and offer treats as positive reinforcement.

Why does my cat not like to be picked up

How do you apologize to a cat?

There are a few different ways that you can apologize to your cat if you have done something that has upset them. One way is to offer them a treat, as this will show that you are trying to make up for what you did. You can also try petting them and offering them some soft words of apology. If your cat is still not happy with you, then it might be best to give them some space and let them come back to you when they are ready.

Do cats like it when we talk to them?

Yes, cats do like it when we talk to them. In fact, they often meow back at us as a way of communication. When you pick up your cat and she meows, it’s likely that she’s happy to see you and wants to engage in some friendly chatter.

There are a few things you can do to make sure your cat is comfortable when being picked up:

  • Make sure you have a good grip on her before lifting her off the ground
  • Support her hind end with your other hand
  • Be careful not to squeeze her too tightly
  • Talk softly to her and let her know she’s safe in your arms

How do you say you love a cat?

Some people might say that you love a cat when you give them food or scratch their head. But to truly love a cat, you have to understand them. And one way to do that is by learning why they meow when you pick them up.

How do you say you love a cat

Why do cats knead their owner?

One of the most common questions I get asked is “Why does my cat knead me when I pick her up?” And it’s a great question! After all, cats are known for being independent creatures, so why would they want to be close to their owners?

There are a few different theories on why cats knead their owners. One theory is that it’s a form of communication. When a cat kneads you, she might be trying to tell you that she loves you or that she’s feeling happy and content.

Another theory is that kneading is a way for cats to mark their territory. By putting their scent on you, they’re claiming you as their own.

Do cats understand no?

While we might think our cats understand us when we say “no,” they actually don’t. Cats learn through positive reinforcement, so if you keep picking up your cat even when she meows, she’ll continue to meow because she’s getting what she wants – your attention.

If you want to stop your cat from meowing when you pick her up, the best thing to do is ignore her. Once she realizes that meowing doesn’t get her what she wants, she’ll eventually stop doing it.

Useful Video: Cat meows every time she gets picked up


There you have it! Some possible reasons why your cat meows when you pick her up, as well as some tips on how to stop the behavior. If your cat is meowing excessively or exhibiting other unusual behaviors, be sure to consult with your veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues.

Do you have any questions or comments about why cats meow? Share them in the section below! And if you found this article helpful, please share it with your fellow cat lovers! Thanks for reading!


  1. https://betterwithcats.net/why-does-my-cat-meow-when-i-pick-her-up/#Why_Do_Cats_Meow_At_Humans
  2. https://mrbosscat.com/why-does-my-cat-meow-when-i-pick-her-up/
  3. https://askmycats.com/why-does-my-cat-meow-when-i-pick-her-up/
  4. https://expertpaws.com/cats/why-does-my-cat-meow-when-i-pick-her-up/
  5. https://faqcats.com/why-does-my-cat-meow-when-i-pick-her-up/
  6. https://kittentoob.com/why-do-cats-meow-when-you-pick-them-up/