Why Does My Cat Lick My Eye?

Why Does My Cat Lick My Eye?

If your cat has ever licked, nibbled, or mouthed any part of your face–especially around the eyes area–you might be wondering why. We all know cats love grooming themselves and one another, but is this behavior of theirs directed towards us something to worry about?

In today’s blog post we’ll explore why cats like to lick their owners’ eyes, and if it is harmful in any way. So keep reading—we think you’ll find it fascinating!

Why Does My Cat Lick My Eye?

Your Cat Licks Your Eye To Say Hello

One reason cats might lick their owner’s eyes is because they are trying to show they care. Licking you around the eyes is one way your cat might say hello or express its love.

This behavior could also be an extension of how cats groom themselves and each other — as when they have just awakened from sleeping, or during a play session with another cat.

This type of licking can also be combined with other forms of communication, such as meowing or purring. And cats that prefer to show affection in a more subtle way might even lightly bite the eyelid — another sign of affection and love. [1]

Your Cat Is Marking You As Theirs

Though cats don’t really have sweat glands, licking the eye area might be a way of leaving their scent on you. This behavior is similar to ‘bunting’ or rubbing the head against an object or person — which cats do with each other for recognition.

By licking your eye, your cat might be claiming you as part of their territory. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing! In fact, it’s usually just another sign that your cat loves and trusts you.

Your Cat Is Marking You As Theirs

They Are Trying To Show You Their Satisfaction

Cats that lick their owners’ eyes might also be telling them that they are content. When your cat is feeling relaxed and happy, they might start purring or licking as a way to show you how satisfied they are in your presence.

This type of behavior is often accompanied by rubbing against the owner’s legs or feet, as cats do this to mark their territory and show affection.

They Are Trying To Keep You Clean

Cats might lick their owners’ eyes to help keep them clean. This is especially true if the cat has been sleeping in the same bed as their owner and can smell the sweat on their face.

Cats are fastidious creatures who take great pride in being clean and tidy, so it’s not surprising they might want to help keep their owners clean as well. This is usually a sign of affection from the cat, so it’s best to take it as a compliment!

They Smell Salt On Your Eye Area

Cats have an incredibly sensitive sense of smell and taste. They can sense salt in the tears that form when you cry, which may be why they like to lick this area so much.

The salty taste might be comforting for them and give them a sense of security, as if they are providing their own natural version of a hug.

They Smell Salt On Your Eye Area

They Have An Anxiety Tick And Compulsively Lick

If your cat is anxious, they might start compulsively licking or chewing on things, such as their owners’ eyes. This could be because they are looking for comfort in a time of stress, or just trying to relieve some of the tension they feel.

It’s important to provide an environment that reduces your cat’s levels of stress and anxiety. This could be anything from providing playtime with toys, to creating a calm home environment.

If the behavior continues and you are concerned about your cat’s wellbeing, it is best to consult with a veterinarian for more advice. [1]

What Does It Mean When A Cat Licks Your Eyes?

Cats licking their owners’ eyes is a sign of love. It might also be a way of showing that the cat is happy, or marking you as their territory.

It could also be an anxiety tick, so it’s important to observe your cat’s behavior and provide an environment which reduces their stress levels.  No matter why cats lick their owners’ eyes, it is always a sign of love!

What Does It Mean When A Cat Licks Your Eyelids?

When a cat licks your eyelids, it is usually a sign of affection and love. Cats often lick their owners’ eyes to show that they are content, or as part of their grooming routine. They might also be marking you as their territory or trying to keep you clean. It could also be an anxiety tick, so if this behavior continues, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian. No matter why cats lick their owners’ eyes, it is always a sign of love!

Why Does My Cat Lick My Eyes When I’m Sleeping ?

Usually, when cats lick their owners’ eyes, it means they like them a lot. It might also mean the cat wants to make sure you’re clean or that you belong to them.

Cats have a very good sense of smell, so they may like the way your tears taste when you cry. If your cat licks your eyes while you are sleeping, it is probably because they love you.

Why Does My Cat Lick My Eyebrows?

Your cat might be licking your eyebrows as a way to express their love and affection. Cats often groom themselves and each other, so this could also be a way for them to show you that they care about you.

Why Does My Cat Lick My Eyebrows

Why Does My Cat Try To Bite My Eye?

If your cat is biting your eye, this is a problem. Cats only do this when they are scared or threatened. If your cat is being aggressive, try to make them feel less stressed and ask a professional for help.

It could also be an anxiety tick, so it’s important to watch your cat’s behavior and provide an environment which reduces their anxiety.  No matter why cats bite their owners’ eyes, it is never a sign of love!

Why Does My Cat Bite My Eyelids?

If your cat is biting your eyelids, this could be a problem. Cats rarely bite out of aggression, but when they do it’s usually because they are scared or threatened.

It’s important to understand why your cat is doing this and try to make them feel less stressed. If the behavior continues and you are concerned, it is best to consult with a veterinarian for more advice. [2]

What To Do About Your Cat’s Eye Licking Behavior?

If your cat licks or bites the area around your eyes, it is not usually a problem. But if it happens too much or if your cat gets aggressive, you may need to do something to stop it from happening again.

Providing your cat with an environment that reduces stress and anxiety is important. This could include providing playtime with toys, creating a calm home, or seeking help from a professional.

Is It Safe For My Cat To Lick My Eye?

Though cats’ tongues are generally clean, it is not recommended for them to lick you around the eyes since bacteria and viruses can still be present. If your cat licks or bites the area around your eyes, it is best to clean the area with warm water and soap afterwards to avoid any infections.

It is also important to observe their behavior and provide an environment which reduces stress levels.

Is It Safe For My Cat To Lick My Eye

Is It Ok To Let Your Cat Lick Your Face?

It is not recommended to let your cat lick your face since bacteria and viruses can still be present. If you do, make sure to clean the area with warm water and soap afterwards to avoid any infections.

Additionally, cats will often view this as an act of affection, so it’s important to observe their behavior and provide an environment which reduces stress levels.

Why Is My Cat Obsessed With My Eyelashes?

Your cat may like your eyelashes because they move. Cats have a good sense of smell, so they may also like the way your tears taste when you cry or blink. If this behavior continues, it is best to ask a doctor for help.

Additionally, it is important to provide your cat with an environment that reduces stress and anxiety. This could include playing with toys or creating a calm home.

Why Does My Cat Like Mascara?

Cats have a good sense of smell, so they may be attracted to scented products such as mascara. They may also like the feeling of the product on their fur or the sound it makes when applied.

It is important to keep all cosmetics out of reach from your cat and provide an environment which reduces stress levels. If your cat continues to be interested in your cosmetics, it is best to seek professional help.

Should I Be Worried If Cat Licked My Eye?

If your cat licks your eye, you need to wash the area with warm water and soap. Cats only do this if they are scared. So, you need to look at their behavior and try to make them feel less scared.

If the problem continues, ask a doctor for help. Additionally, it is important to provide your cat with an environment that reduces stress and anxiety. This could include playing with toys or creating a calm home.

Can You Go Blind If Cat Licks Your Eye?

It is very unlikely that you will go blind if a cat licks your eye. However, it is still important to clean the area with warm water and soap afterwards in case of any bacteria or viruses present.

Cats usually only lick eyes when they are scared so it’s important to look at their behavior and provide an environment which reduces stress levels.

Can You Go Blind If Cat Licks Your Eye


Why does my cat like to lick my eye?

Cats may like your eyes because they move. Cats have a good sense of smell, so they may also like the way your tears taste when you cry or blink.

Additionally, cats will often view this as an act of affection, so it’s important to observe their behavior and provide an environment which reduces stress levels.

Can a cat licking your eye give you an infection?

Cats usually have clean tongues, but it is not a good idea for them to lick you around your eyes because there might still be bacteria or viruses present.

If your cat licks or bites the area around your eyes, it is best to clean the area with warm water and soap afterwards. This will help avoid any infections.

It is also important to observe their behavior and provide an environment which reduces stress levels for them.

What should I do if my cat licks my eye?

If your cat licks your eye, you need to wash the area with warm water and soap. Cats only do this if they are scared. So, you need to look at their behavior and try to make them feel less scared. If the problem continues, ask a doctor for help. Additionally, it is important to provide your cat with an environment that reduces stress and anxiety. This could include playing with toys or creating a calm home.

Do cats give eye kisses?

Yes, cats can give eye kisses. They usually give eye kisses when they have a soft nose nudge and slow blinking. It is important to observe their behavior and provide an environment which reduces stress levels for them.

Additionally, it is important to never force a cat into giving affection, as this could cause more fear or anxiety rather than love and comfort.

Why does my cat smell my eyeball?

Cats have a good sense of smell and might be attracted to products with scent, like mascara or eye drops. Additionally, cats might see this as an act of affection. So it’s important to watch their behavior and make sure they’re not stressed.

Keep all cosmetics away from your cat and out of reach. If your cat is still interested in your cosmetics, get professional help.

Why does my cat smell my eyeball

Do cats feel love when you kiss them?

Yes, cats can feel love when you kiss them. Cats usually give eye kisses when they have a soft nose nudge and slow blinking. It is important to observe their behavior and provide an environment which reduces stress levels for them.

Additionally, it is important to never force a cat into giving affection, as this could cause more fear or anxiety rather than love and comfort.

Cats will show you when they are ready for affection, so don’t rush the process or make them feel uncomfortable. If done correctly, cats can develop a strong bond with their owners and enjoy the loving gestures.

What does it mean when a cat smells your private?

This means that your cat is interested in a particular smell. Cats have a very good sense of smell and often find smells that attract them to people or things. This might be sweat, perfume, shampoo, or any other scent.

It’s important to watch how your cat behaves and try to reduce stress levels. If the problem continues, it is best to get professional help.

Cats should never be forced into giving affection or showing any type of physical attention, as this could cause them fear, anxiety, or discomfort. Instead, observe their behavior and let them show you when they are ready for physical interaction.

When done correctly, cats can form a strong bond with their owners and enjoy being close to them.

Can cats identify their owners by smell?

Yes, cats can identify their owners by smell. Cats have a very good sense of smell and will often recognize familiar smells such as the scent of their owner or family members. They also use smell to explore their environment and determine if something is safe or not.

It’s important to watch your cat’s behavior and keep stress levels low to ensure they feel safe and secure. If the problem continues, it is best to get professional help.

Which eye is the cat trying to lick?

It is hard to say which eye a cat is trying to lick, but it can depend on the environment and the situation. Cats often use licking as an act of affection and comfort, so they may be trying to show you love.

It’s important to watch your cat’s behavior and make sure they are not stressed. Additionally, keep all cosmetics away from your cat and out of reach. If the problem continues, it is best to get professional help.

Does a cat licking your eye indicate a medical problem?

If a cat licks your eye, it might have a medical problem. If the cat keeps doing it or does it more often, get help from a professional. Also, keep all makeup products away from the cat and never make the cat kiss you or do anything else it does not want to do.

This could make the cat be more afraid or anxious instead of feeling loved and comfortable. It is important to keep stress levels low so there is a good relationship between the cat and you.

Do cats lick to show affection?

Yes, cats often lick to show affection. Cats use licking as a way of showing their love and comfort towards an owner or family member. It’s important to watch your cat’s behavior and keep stress levels low to ensure they feel safe and secure.

Is it safe to let my cat lick my eye?

It is not a good idea to let your cat lick your eye. Your cat might be trying to show you love, but the saliva from a cat’s tongue can have harmful bacteria. This could make you sick. Also, keep all makeup away from your cat and somewhere it cannot reach. If the problem continues, get help from a professional.

Are there any risks associated with a cat licking my eye?

Yes, there are risks associated with a cat licking your eye. The saliva from a cat’s tongue can contain harmful bacteria that can make you sick. Additionally, letting your cat lick your eye could cause more fear or anxiety rather than love and comfort.

What can I do if my cat keeps licking my eye?

If your cat keeps licking your eye, it is important to watch its behavior and make sure they are not stressed. Additionally, keep all cosmetics away from your cat and out of reach. If the problem persists, it is best to get professional help.

Additionally, try to reduce the cat’s stress level by playing with toys or creating a calm home environment. Never force a cat into giving affection as this could cause more fear or anxiety rather than love and comfort.

Useful Video: Why Do Cats Lick You? Is it Obsession or Affection


Cats licking their owners is a sign that they like and trust them. The CATRICE method can help you understand what your cat’s body language means. If your cat seems to be doing something unusual, take note of any other behaviors too.

Even though experts say that cats licking their owners’ eyes is not dangerous, it is still a good idea to pay attention to how often they are doing it and for how long. If you start to feel uncomfortable or anxious, then it is time to stop the behavior.

The next time your cat licks your eye, ask them why. If you understand their motives, it will make for a healthier relationship and provide insight into how they are feeling overall.

With that, we hope you found this blog helpful and please remember that with love and patience, cats can be so much more than just cuddle buddies!


  1. https://faqcats.com/why-does-my-cat-lick-my-eye/
  2. https://askmycats.com/why-does-my-cat-lick-my-eye/