How to Make a Kitten Pacifier?

How to Make a Kitten Pacifier?

Caring for a newborn kitten can be a rewarding, albeit challenging endeavor, particularly when it comes to addressing their unique needs. One such need is their instinctive urge to suckle, which can persist even when they’re not feeding. This is where a kitten pacifier comes into play. Not only does it help satisfy their natural instinct, but it can also provide a sense of comfort and security to your furry little friend. In this guide, we’ll show you how to make a kitten pacifier at home, ensuring you’re well-prepared to meet your kitten’s needs effectively and efficiently.

What Is A Kitten Pacifier?

A kitten pacifier is a specially designed tool that mimics the mother cat’s nipple, providing a comforting, familiar sensation for kittens who have a strong desire to suckle. Made from safe, non-toxic materials, kitten pacifiers serve a dual purpose. Firstly, they help alleviate the urge to suckle when the mother cat is not available, especially in the case of orphaned or bottle-fed kittens. Secondly, they offer a soothing distraction, reducing stress and promoting relaxation. They are an essential tool for anyone raising a kitten, and making one at home is a simple process that requires minimal equipment.

What Is A Kitten Pacifier?

What Is The Smallest Pacifier?

The smallest pacifier is typically designed for newborn kittens and is proportionately sized to fit their tiny mouths. It is usually about an inch long, with a nipple diameter of around 1/4 inch. The compact size ensures that the kitten can comfortably suckle without the risk of choking or swallowing the pacifier. Made from soft, non-toxic materials, the smallest pacifier is gentle on a kitten’s delicate gums and teeth, making it the ideal choice for newborns and small kittens. It’s important to remember that as your kitten grows, the pacifier size may need to be adjusted accordingly to maintain safety and comfort.

What Kittens Need A Pacifier?

Pacifiers can be particularly beneficial for kittens in their early weeks of life, especially if they have been separated from their mother too soon or are orphaned. They often have a strong urge to suckle, which can lead them to suck on inappropriate things like their siblings’ ears, fabrics, or even their own or others’ bodies, which can cause harm.

Additionally, kittens who appear agitated, exhibit excessive meowing, or show signs of discomfort might find relief in suckling a pacifier. However, a pacifier should not replace meals and should be used in conjunction with regular feedings.

Remember, it’s always essential to consult with a vet if you notice any unusual behavior in your kitten. [1]

How Can I Make My Kitten Take A Pacifier?

Introducing a pacifier to a kitten might require a bit of patience and strategy. Ideally, you should try to introduce it during their typical feeding times when their suckling instinct is strongest. To make the pacifier more appealing, you could dip it in kitten formula or warm water to enhance the taste. Gently touch the pacifier to the kitten’s mouth and allow them to explore it at their own pace. Never force the pacifier into their mouth as it might cause fear or resistance. As with any new experience, it may take several attempts for the kitten to accept the pacifier. Regularly check the pacifier for wear and tear to ensure it remains safe to use. Remember, every kitten is unique and may react differently. If your kitten shows continuous resistance or discomfort, it’s advisable to consult with a vet for further guidance.

How Can I Make My Kitten Take A Pacifier?

Making A Kitten Pacifier

Creating a kitten pacifier at home is a simple process and requires only a few materials. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Soother Pacifier

A soother pacifier is a homemade option for a kitten pacifier. To make a soother pacifier, you’ll need a few materials that are likely already available in your home:

Materials You’ll Need

  • A clean, soft cloth (preferably made of cotton or flannel)
  • A string or thin ribbon
  • A small amount of sterile, non-toxic stuffing (like you would find in stuffed toys)
  • Sewing equipment (needle, thread)

Steps to Make a Soother Pacifier

  1. Cut the cloth into a small, circular shape, about the size of a teacup saucer.
  2. Place a small amount of stuffing in the center of the cloth.
  3. Gather up the edges of the cloth around the stuffing and twist them together to create a small bulb, mimicking the shape of a cat’s nipple.
  4. Securely tie the string or ribbon around the twisted part of the cloth to keep it in place.
  5. Using a needle and thread, sew the tied section to ensure it is secure and will not come undone.
  6. Check the pacifier for any loose parts or potential hazards, ensuring it’s safe for a kitten. [2]

Making A Kitten Pacifier

The soother pacifier is ready for use. Remember, supervision is required while your kitten is using the pacifier to ensure they do not accidentally swallow any part of it. Additionally, keep it clean by washing it regularly and replacing it if it becomes worn or damaged.

Bottle Pacifier

A bottle pacifier, made from a pet nursing bottle, is another homemade kitten pacifier option. This type of pacifier is especially useful for kittens that are being bottle-fed because it feels more familiar to them.

Materials You’ll Need

  • A pet nursing bottle with a silicone nipple
  • A small, lightweight toy or bell

Steps to Make a Bottle Pacifier

  1. Remove the nipple from the nursing bottle and ensure it is clean.
  2. Attach the small toy or bell to the end of the silicone nipple. The lightweight toy or bell works as a safety feature to prevent the kitten from swallowing the nipple.
  3. Carefully inspect the pacifier for any potential hazards. Ensure that the toy is securely fastened and will not detach easily.
  4. Before each use, cleanse the pacifier by washing it with warm soapy water and thoroughly rinsing it. [3]

Bottle Pacifier

Just like the soother pacifier, supervision is necessary while your kitten is using the bottle pacifier. Make sure to wash it regularly and replace it if it shows signs of wear or damage. It’s essential to keep your kitten’s safety as the top priority while using any kind of pacifier.

Pillow With Nipples Pacifier

A Pillow With Nipples Pacifier provides a comforting and familiar feel for kittens, especially those that are orphaned or separated from their mothers prematurely. It imitates the shape and feel of a mother cat’s belly – an environment where kittens naturally find comfort and peace.

Materials You’ll Need

  • A small, soft pillow (preferably made of fabric that’s gentle on a kitten’s skin like cotton or fleece)
  • Nursing bottle nipples for small pets, available in multiple variations
  • Sewing equipment (needle, strong thread)

Steps to Make a Pillow With Nipples Pacifier

  1. Clean the small pet nursing bottle nipples thoroughly.
  2. Arrange the nipples on one side of the pillow, imitating the pattern found on a mother cat’s belly.
  3. Securely sew each nipple onto the pillow, ensuring they are firmly attached and do not pose a choking hazard.
  4. After attaching all the nipples, check the pillow thoroughly for any potential hazards. Make sure the nipples are securely attached and will not come off easily. [4]

Pillow With Nipples Pacifier

This Pillow With Nipples Pacifier can provide plenty of comfort to a kitten while also satisfying their urge to suckle. As with other pacifiers, you must supervise your kitten while they use this pacifier, always ensuring their safety. Regularly inspect the pacifier for damage, washing it as needed and replacing it if it becomes worn or damaged.

Weaning Your Kitten From The Pacifier

As your kitten matures and progresses, there will come a point when it becomes essential to transition them away from relying on the pacifier. It is important to approach this process gradually and with patience, as sudden changes can lead to stress and discomfort in young kittens. Start by limiting the time your kitten spends with the pacifier, gradually reducing it each day. Encourage their natural curiosity towards solid food by placing it near them during feeding times. Over time, your kitten will begin to show more interest in solid food and less in the pacifier. During this transition, it’s important to monitor your kitten’s health and behavior closely to ensure they are adjusting well. As always, consult with a vet if you notice any concerning changes during this process. Remember, while pacifiers can provide comfort and relief for kittens, their ultimate goal is to grow and thrive without them.

Weaning Your Kitten From The Pacifier

Some Do’s And Don’ts On Kitten Pacifiers


  1. Do supervise your kitten: It is important to always closely monitor your kitten when they are using a pacifier to avoid any potential accidents, such as choking or swallowing a part of the pacifier.
  2. Do keep it clean: Regularly clean the pacifier to keep it hygienic and safe for your kitten. Use warm water and mild soap, and ensure it is thoroughly rinsed before giving it to your kitten.
  3. Do substitute it for feeding: If your kitten starts to rely on the pacifier for hunger satisfaction, replace it with a feeding session. This will help your kitten understand that the pacifier isn’t a food source.
  4. Do regularly inspect the pacifier: Regularly check the pacifier for wear and tear, and replace it if necessary. This ensures the pacifier remains safe for your kitten to use.


  1. Don’t leave your kitten unsupervised with the pacifier: Even if the pacifier is well-made, there’s still a risk of your kitten swallowing a part if they are left alone with it.
  2. Don’t force your kitten to use the pacifier: If your kitten shows no interest or seems uncomfortable with the pacifier, don’t force them to use it. Always prioritize your kitten’s comfort and willingness.
  3. Don’t use the pacifier as a permanent solution: While pacifiers can be useful in certain situations, they should not be used as a permanent solution. Kittens need to grow and learn without the pacifier over time.
  4. Don’t disregard any changes in your kitten’s behavior: If you notice any changes in your kitten’s behavior or health after introducing the pacifier, consult with a vet. This could indicate an underlying issue that needs to be addressed. [5]


How can I relax my kitten?

Relaxing your kitten primarily requires understanding their needs and providing a calm and comfortable environment. Here are some tips:

  • Provide a Safe Space: Ensure your kitten has a cozy, quiet place where they can retreat and relax. This could be a small bed or a corner of a room that is their own.
  • Play Interactive Games: Regular playtime helps to keep your kitten active and mentally stimulated. It also helps to burn off their excess energy, resulting in a relaxed kitten.
  • Maintain a Routine: Kittens thrive on routine. Feeding, playing, and sleeping at regular times can help them feel secure and relaxed.
  • Consider Pheromone Diffusers: These products release a scent that can have a calming effect on kittens and cats. They are often used in stressful situations like moving homes or introducing a new pet.
  • Gentle Petting: Many kittens enjoy being gently stroked, especially around their chin and the base of their tail. This can help to soothe and calm them.

How do you make a kitten drink?

Making a kitten drink can be a delicate task, particularly for kittens who are being weaned or are on the brink of transitioning to solid food. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide:

  1. Prepare the Liquid
  2. Use a Shallow Dish
  3. Place the Dish Near Them
  4. Dip Your Finger
  5. Be Patient

Always monitor your kitten to ensure they are getting enough hydration. If you’re having trouble or if the kitten refuses to drink, consult with your vet for further advice.

How do I get my kitten to stop nursing on my sibling?

Getting your kitten to stop nursing on a human can be a tricky process, as it often indicates the kitten is seeking comfort or is anxious. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Provide Alternative Comforts
  2. Use Positive Reinforcement
  3. Implement Gradual Changes
  4. Provide Plenty of Cuddles and Play
  5. Consult with a Vet

Remember, it’s crucial to be patient and gentle during this process. Kittens are delicate creatures, and any drastic changes could have adverse effects on their wellbeing.

What puts a kitten to sleep?

Putting a kitten to sleep can often require a combination of factors. Here are a few strategies:

  1. Maintain a Routine
  2. Provide a Comfortable Environment
  3. Engage in Playtime Before Bed
  4. Limit Food Before Bed
  5. Create a Calming Atmosphere

Remember, every kitten is unique and may need different strategies to help them sleep. If your kitten consistently struggles with sleep, it might be worth consulting with your vet.

Should I hold my kitten like a baby?

While some kittens may enjoy being cradled like a baby, others might not appreciate it. It’s primarily dependent on their individual temperament and comfort level. When holding a kitten like a baby, always ensure to support their bottom and hind legs to prevent them from feeling insecure or scared.

However, it is generally advised to hold kittens in an upright position, close to your body, as this is more natural for them and tends to make them feel safer. Always respect your kitten’s signs of discomfort and never force them into positions they seem to dislike.

At what age do kittens calm down?

Kittens typically start to calm down around 8 to 12 months of age as they transition into adulthood. This period is often marked by a decrease in hyperactive behavior and playfulness. However, each kitten is unique, and some may continue to show kitten-like behavior into adulthood. Factors such as breed, individual personality, and environment can influence the timing and extent of this change. Even after calming down, it’s important to continue providing your cat with regular play and stimulation to keep them active and healthy. Always treat each kitten as an individual and adapt to their unique needs and preferences.

How do you calm a hyper kitten at night?

Calming a hyperactive kitten at night requires patience and a few strategies to help them wind down. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Establish a Routine
  2. Engage in Play Before Bedtime
  3. Feed Them Before Bedtime
  4. Create a Quiet and Comfortable Environment
  5. Use Calming Scents
  6. Consult with a Vet

Remember, every kitten is different, and a strategy that works for one may not work for another. Always observe your kitten’s behavior and adapt to their needs.

Does catnip calm cats?

Catnip, a member of the mint family, possesses the remarkable ability to elicit a diverse array of responses in our feline friends. Some cats may be hyperactive or playful, while others may show calmer behaviors like rolling, rubbing, and purring. Not all cats respond to catnip since sensitivity to it is hereditary. Approximately 70% to 80% of cats are affected by this plant. While catnip can temporarily calm, its effects typically last for about 10 minutes. It should not be relied upon as the primary method for long-term calming or behavior modification. Additionally, it should be used sparingly, as excessive use can lead to desensitization or, in some cases, mild gastrointestinal upset. If you have concerns about your cat’s behavior or wellbeing, consult your vet before introducing catnip or other new elements.

How often do kittens poop?

Kittens generally have more frequent bowel movements than adult cats because of their high-protein diet and faster metabolism. In the first few weeks, a newborn kitten might defecate after each feeding, which can be as often as every two hours. As puppies mature and begin the transition to solid food (typically around four weeks old), the frequency of feeding can decrease to 2-3 times per day. Ensuring regular bowel movements is vital for a kitten’s well-being, as any abrupt alterations in frequency or texture could signal an underlying health concern. If you observe any abnormal changes in your kitten’s defecation patterns, it is always advisable to seek guidance from your veterinarian.

Is it OK to give kittens water?

Certainly! It is perfectly acceptable to provide kittens with water, as it is vital for their overall well-being and health. Water is vital for a kitten’s digestion and overall wellbeing. While nursing kittens primarily get their hydration from their mother’s milk, after weaning (usually around four weeks old), they start to need water in addition to their diet. It is crucial to consistently provide your kitten with clean and fresh water, ensuring that it is readily available and consumed regularly. It’s important to note that while milk is a common treat for cats in popular culture, many cats are lactose intolerant, and cow’s milk can cause digestive upset. Therefore, it’s better to stick to water for hydration once your kitten has been weaned. If your kitten appears to be drinking insufficient water or if you observe any alterations in their drinking patterns, it is advisable to seek guidance from your veterinarian.

Can you overfeed a kitten?

Yes, it is possible to overfeed a kitten. Kittens have small stomachs and can only handle small amounts of food at each meal. Overfeeding can lead to diarrhea or other digestive problems, and in the long term, it can contribute to obesity and related health issues. Kittens should be fed several small meals a day. The exact amount depends on their age, size, and activity level, and the type of food they are eating. Many commercial kitten foods provide guidelines on the packaging, but these are only rough estimates. It’s always best to consult with your vet to determine the appropriate feeding schedule and quantity for your kitten. Each kitten is unique and may have different nutritional needs. Always monitor your kitten’s weight and general health, and adjust feeding as necessary.

Useful Video: Black Cats with Pacifiers


Raising a kitten requires patience and understanding, but the rewards are immeasurable. By engaging your kitten in regular play sessions, establishing a routine, and providing a balanced diet, you can ensure they develop into a healthy and happy adult cat. It is important to be attentive to the behaviors of each kitten, as they are all unique and may exhibit different responses to various stimuli or situations. If you observe any significant changes, it is advisable to promptly seek advice from a veterinarian. From determining their sensitivity to catnip to understanding their pooping habits, every bit of knowledge contributes to a better life for your furry friend.

