Why Does My Cat Sleep on My Pillow?

Why Does My Cat Sleep on My Pillow?

Do you ever wonder why your cat sleeps on your pillow? It’s a common question that doesn’t always have a clear answer. Some people believe that it’s because cats like the smell of humans, while others think that it’s because they’re trying to claim their territory. In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss all of the possible reasons why your cat might be sleeping on your pillow, as well as some helpful tips on how to get them to stop!

Body Heat

One of the most common reasons why cats sleep on pillows is because they’re seeking out body heat. Cats are warm-blooded animals, which means that they need to maintain a certain body temperature in order to survive. In the wild, cats will often sleep in groups in order to share body heat and stay warm. When your cat sleeps on your pillow, they are essentially doing the same thing – using your body heat to keep them warm. If you live in a cold climate or if it’s wintertime, you may notice that your cat sleeps on your pillow more often than usual. This is because they are trying to stay warm! [1]


There are a few reasons why your cat may feel safer and more comfortable sleeping on your pillow than anywhere else. For one, your pillow is likely close to where you sleep, providing your cat with a sense of security. Additionally, pillows are soft and provide insulation, both of which can make for a cozy spot to snooze. And finally, the height of a pillow often gives cats a good vantage point to survey their surroundings. All these factors together may explain why your cat has decided that your pillow is the perfect place to catch some Zs. [1]


One reason your cat may sleep on your pillow is to establish dominance over you. If your cat sees you as a threat, they may feel the need to assert their authority by sleeping on your pillow. This behavior is more common in male cats, but any cat can do it. [1]


One reason your cat may sleep on your pillow is for affection. Cats are very loving creatures and enjoy being close to their humans. If you notice that your cat sleeps on your pillow more when you’re feeling down or sad, it’s probably because they want to show you some extra love.

Another way to tell if your cat is sleeping on your pillow for affection is if they purr while they’re doing it. Purring is a sign of contentment and happiness in cats, so if yours is purring while they curl up on your pillow, it’s a good indication that they just love being close to you. [1]


What to do about your cat sleeping on your pillow

Give it another place to sleep

If your cat is sleeping on your pillow, it’s likely because it feels safe and comfortable there. To help deter your cat from sleeping on your pillow, provide another soft, warm place for it to sleep. This could be a cat bed or a towel placed in a sunny spot. You may also want to try using a pheromone diffuser, which can help calm your cat and make it feel more comfortable in its surroundings. [4]

If you have multiple cats, make sure each one has its own bed or sleeping space to avoid any conflict over who gets to sleep where.

Keep your pillow somewhere else

If you’re not a fan of your cat sleeping on your pillow, there are a few things you can do to keep them off. One is to simply keep your pillow somewhere they can’t access it, like on a high shelf or in a closet. You can also try spraying it with a deterrent like citrus-scented water or giving it a light misting of vinegar. Some people even put double-sided tape on their pillows! Whatever method you choose, make sure to consistently use it so your cat doesn’t get the idea that they can sleep on your pillow whenever they want.

Another option is to provide an alternative spot for them to sleep that’s just as comfortable as your pillow. This could be another bed, a soft blanket, or even their own special pillow. Just make sure it’s in a place where they can’t reach your pillow, or they’ll likely still choose that spot over the other.

There are a few reasons why cats like to sleep on pillows, and most of them have to do with comfort. Pillows are soft and provide just the right amount of support for a cat’s head and neck. They also tend to be warm, which is another plus for cats who enjoy snuggling up against something warm. Additionally, pillows often have our scent on them, which some cats find comforting. [4]

Why Do Cats Sleep By Your Head?

There are a few reasons for this. One is that they like your warmth. Another reason may be that they feel safe and secure sleeping by your head. And lastly, it could be because they enjoy the smell of you! So if you’re ever wondering why your cat likes to sleep on your pillow, it’s likely for one (or all) of these reasons. [3]

Why Do Cats Sleep By Your Head

Is It OK For My Cat To Sleep On My Pillow?

The answer to this question depends on a few factors. If you’re comfortable with your cat sleeping on your pillow, then there’s no harm in letting them do so. However, if you’re not comfortable with it, it’s important to take steps to deter your cat from doing so. [3]

Why Should You Stop A Cat Sleeping On Your Pillow?


One of the reasons you might want to stop your cat from sleeping on your pillow is for hygiene reasons. Cats can carry a number of different parasites and diseases, which they can pass on to humans. These include toxoplasmosis, ringworm, and salmonella.

While most healthy adults will not experience any serious problems if they contract these infections, they can be dangerous for pregnant women, young children, the elderly, or people with weakened immune systems. If you’re in one of these groups, it’s best to err on the side of caution and keep your cat off your bed altogether. [2]

Sleep Disruption

One of the main reasons why you might want to stop your cat from sleeping on your pillow is because it can disrupt your sleep. If you have a light sleeper or if you tend to move around a lot in your sleep, having a cat on your pillow can be quite disruptive. Additionally, some people are allergic to cats and their fur can trigger allergies. If you’re allergic to cats or if you simply don’t like the feeling of their fur on your skin, then it’s definitely best to keep them off of your pillows. [2]


While it may be tempting to let your cat sleep on your pillow, it’s important to consider the hygiene implications. Cats are known for being clean animals, but they can still carry bacteria and parasites that could potentially cause infections. If you have a weakened immune system, it’s especially important to be cautious about letting your cat sleep on your bedding. [2]


One possible reason your cat sleeps on your pillow is that they’re allergic to something in their environment. If you think this might be the case, pay attention to when your cat is most likely to sleep on your pillow. Do they do it more often in certain rooms or during certain seasons? Allergies can cause a variety of symptoms, from sneezing and watery eyes to itchiness and skin irritation. If you suspect your cat has allergies, talk to your veterinarian about the best way to treat them. [2]

Hard To Evict

If you’re finding it hard to evict your furry friend from your bed, there are a few things you can do. Try giving them their own bed or blanket to sleep on next to yours. You can also try spraying a bit of lemon water on your pillow, as cats don’t like the smell. Finally, make sure you’re not encouraging the behavior by petting or cuddling them when they’re on your pillow.

If you’ve tried all of these things and your cat is still adamant about sleeping on your pillow, there’s likely no getting rid of them. You might as well just enjoy the fact that they trust you enough to share such an intimate space! After all, it’s not every day you get to snuggle up with a cute little ball of fluff. [2]

Hard To Evict

Is It Okay To Wake Up A Sleeping Cat?

Most of the time, it’s perfectly fine to wake up a sleeping cat. In fact, many cats enjoy being woken up by their humans. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule. If your cat is sick or injured, it’s best to let them sleep. Additionally, if your cat is elderly or very young, they may need more sleep than usual and should be left undisturbed.

There are a few other things to keep in mind when waking up a sleeping cat. First, make sure you’re not disturbing their nap by making loud noises or sudden movements. Second, have something ready for them to do once they’re awake – whether that’s food, playtime, or cuddles. A bored cat is not a happy cat! [2]

What Does It Mean When Your Cat Sleeps with You?

Your cat loves you, plain and simple. When they sleep with you, they are claiming you as their own and showing their affection. While your cat may have a favourite spot in the house to curl up for a nap, when they snuggle up on your pillow, they are saying that you are their number one human. [2]

Things You Can Do to Help Your Cat Sleep Better

Optimize The Environment

There are a few things you can do to help your cat sleep better. One is to optimize the environment. Make sure the room is dark and quiet. Consider using a white noise machine to help your cat relax. Provide plenty of hiding places for your cat to feel safe and secure. Create a comfortable space with soft bedding for your cat to snooze in.

Another way to help your cat sleep better is by providing them with adequate exercise during the day. A tired cat is a happy cat, and a happy cat is more likely to sleep through the night.Encourage your kitty to run, jump, and play with toys throughout the day. A good game of chase will tire them out before bedtime! [2]

Consult A Vet

If you’re concerned about your cat’s sleep habits, the first thing you should do is consult a veterinarian. They can rule out any health issues that may be causing your cat to sleep poorly.

There are a few things you can do to help your cat sleep better. Consulting a vet is the best place to start if you’re worried about your cat’s sleeping habits. They can check for any underlying health issues that might be causing problems. Additionally, there are some things you can do at home to help your cat get a good night’s sleep. [2]

Tire Them Out

Cats are known for their naps, but did you know that they actually sleep the majority of the day? In fact, cats spend about 16 hours a day sleeping! So, if your cat is keeping you up at night, one thing you can do to help them (and yourself) is to tire them out during the day.

This means playing with them, giving them toys to keep them occupied, and making sure they have plenty of space to run around. If your cat is bored during the day, they’re likely to be restless at night. [2]

Tire Them Out

Pre-Sleep Feeding

This means providing a small meal or snack for your cat before bedtime. The calories in this small meal will help your cat relax and feel sleepy.

There are a few things you should keep in mind when creating a pre-sleep routine for your cat. First, make sure the food you’re giving them is easily digestible. This means avoiding anything that’s high in fat or protein, as these can be hard on their stomachs and cause indigestion. Second, don’t give them too much food – a small portion is all they need. And finally, don’t forget to provide fresh water so they can stay hydrated overnight. [2]


Do cats know when you’re sleeping?

Some people believe that cats can sense when their humans are asleep because they stare at them or meow loudly. Others think that cats sleep on their humans’ pillows as a way to stay warm or get attention. However, there’s no scientific evidence to support either of these claims.

How do cats choose who to sleep with?

Cats are very particular about who they sleep with and where they sleep. If you have more than one cat, you may have noticed that each cat has their own favorite spot to sleep. Some cats prefer to sleep on their owner’s bed while others prefer to sleep in a sunny spot on the floor.

Do cats check if you’re breathing?

One of the most common questions I get asked is “Do cats check if you’re breathing?” And while I can’t speak for all cats, I can say that my cat definitely checks to see if I’m breathing! If I’m not moving or making any noise, she’ll come up and sniff my face to make sure I’m still alive.

It’s actually a really sweet gesture, and it shows how much she cares about me. Cats are very intuitive creatures, and they have a keen sense of when something is wrong. So if your cat is suddenly sleeping on your pillow, it might be because they sense that you’re not feeling well.

Do cats check if you're breathing

How can you tell if a cat has imprinted on you?

There are several ways to tell if your cat has imprinted on you. One is that they will follow you around constantly, even if you don’t want them to. If you leave the room, they’ll likely try to follow you. And when you’re sitting or lying down, they’ll often come and sit or lie down next to you. Another way to tell is that they may sleep on your pillow or bed instead of their own bed.

Do cats miss their humans?

One common question people ask is whether cats miss their humans when they’re away. It’s a understandable concern- after all, we form very close bonds with our feline friends.

The good news is that yes, cats do miss their humans when they’re gone. But the bad news is that they don’t always show it in ways that we would expect or understand.

For example, some cats may become more clingy and needy when their humans are away, while others may seem to withdraw and become more aloof. And still other cats may not show any change in behavior at all!

Useful Video: Why has my cat started sleeping on my pillow?


So, why does my cat sleep on my pillow? The answer is that there could be any number of reasons, from your cat’s natural instinct to seek out high places to their desire for your scent and warmth. If you’re concerned about your cat’s sleeping habits, the best thing to do is to talk to your veterinarian. They can help you rule out any medical causes and give you some tips on how to create a comfortable environment for your feline friend.

Do you have any questions or concerns about why your cat sleeps on your pillow? Let us know in the comments below!


  1. https://persiancatcorner.com/why-does-my-cat-sleep-on-my-pillow/
  2. https://peteducate.com/why-does-my-cat-sleep-on-my-pillow/#Related_Questions
  3. https://isthatyourcat.com/why-does-my-cat-sleep-on-my-pillow/
  4. https://kittycattips.com/why-does-my-cat-sleep-on-my-pillow/