Why Does My Cat Paw at Smooth Surfaces?

Why Does My Cat Paw at Smooth Surfaces?

Do you ever find your cat pawing at smooth surfaces? It’s a behavior most cat owners are familiar with, but what does it mean? Is there something wrong with them or is this normal behavior for cats? Don’t worry – we’ve got the answers to all your burning questions about why cats paw at things.

In this post, we’ll take a look at why they do it and offer tips on how to deal with it in case it becomes an issue. Read on and discover just how fascinating our feline friends can be!

Why Does My Cat Paw at Smooth Surfaces?

Cats paw at smooth surfaces for a variety of reasons. It could be an instinctive behavior based on their wild roots, or it may just be something that they find comforting or satisfying. Here are some of the most common explanations for this behavior:

  • Communication: Cats use their paws to communicate with other cats and humans. By pawing at surfaces, they may be trying to get your attention or express a certain emotion.
  • Grooming: Cats use their paws to groom themselves and other cats in the household. If you’ve ever seen your cat rub their face on a smooth surface, it could be a sign that they’re trying to groom themselves or another cat.
  • Curiosity: Cats may paw at smooth surfaces out of curiosity. They’re exploring their environment, and they could be trying to figure out what the surface is or if it’s a toy that they can play with.
  • Comfort: Some cats may find comfort in pawing at soft surfaces. It’s a way for them to relax and show affection to other cats or people in the house.


Cats also have scent glands in their paws, and they can mark things with their scent. This marking is called “pheromones,” and it’s a way for cats to communicate with other cats or humans.

It could be that your cat is pawing at surfaces because they’re trying to leave their scent behind as a way of expressing themselves. [1]


Play or Enjoyment

Pawing can also be used as a way to play or show enjoyment. If your cat is excited, they might paw at the ground or the walls. They could also be trying to catch something that’s moving around them.

Obsessive Behavior

In some cases, a cat may start to obsessively paw at surfaces. This could be because the cat feels stressed or anxious and is trying to relieve their emotions in a physical way.

If this is the case, it’s important to find ways to redirect your cat’s attention and provide them with an outlet for their energy.

How Do I Get My Cat to Stop Pawing at Smooth Surfaces?

Clean & Spray

If your cat is pawing at something because it smells, try using an enzymatic cleaner to remove the scent. This will make it less likely for your cat to paw at that spot again.

You can also use pheromone sprays or diffusers to help make your cat feel more relaxed and less likely to paw at things.

Redirection & Engagement

If your cat is pawing because it is bored, try giving it toys or something else to do. This will help take its attention away from pawing. You can also give your cat a treat or pet it when it stops pawing.

More Playtime

If your cat seems to be pawing out of boredom, make sure you’re providing enough playtime and exercise for it. Make sure to set aside time for playing with your cat each day, as this can help keep them active and engaged.

More Playtime


If your cat’s pawing is becoming obsessive or disruptive, it may be time to seek professional help. Your vet may prescribe medication or recommend calming treatments to help manage the behavior. [1]

How to Deal With Pawing?

If your cat is pawing at you too much, it is important to stay calm and patient. While it is normal for cats to paw at smooth surfaces, it can become a problem if not stopped.

To keep your cat safe and your things from getting ruined, use positive reinforcement and redirection techniques when needed.

What Should I Do If My Cat Is Pawing at Smooth Surfaces?

If your cat is pawing at smooth surfaces and it’s become an issue, there are some things you can do to help mitigate the behavior. Here are a few tips:

  • Keep them entertained: Make sure that your cat has enough physical and mental stimulation throughout the day. Give them toys, engage in interactive play, or let them explore different parts of your home.
  • Clean surfaces: If your cat is pawing at a surface because it smells like something they want to eat or mark, try using an enzymatic cleaner to remove the scent.
  • Use pheromone sprays or diffusers: If your cat is pawing as a way to mark their territory with scent, try using calming pheromone sprays or diffusers to make them feel more relaxed.
  • Redirect attention: When your cat starts to paw at something, redirect their attention to something else, like a toy or treat.
  • Seek professional help: If your cat’s pawing is becoming obsessive or disruptive, it may be time to seek professional help from your vet. They may prescribe medication or recommend calming treatments to help manage the behavior.

Pawing can be an annoying habit for cats, but with patience and understanding, you can help your kitty learn more appropriate ways to express themselves. With the right steps, you can keep both you and your cat happy.

Why Do Cats Mark Their Territory?

Cats use their paws to show that an area is theirs. They do this when they are feeling worried or stressed. By pawing at things, cats leave their scent behind and can talk to other cats in the area.


If your cat is pawing out of stress or anxiety, they may need some extra help. Make sure to provide a safe and comfortable environment for your cat, and speak with your vet if you think they are having difficulty managing their emotions.

Additionally, try using pheromone sprays or diffusers in the area to help them feel more relaxed. [2]


Advertising his reproductive ability

Cats may also paw at objects to advertise their reproductive ability. This is because cats have glands in the pads of their feet that can secrete chemical signals, letting other cats know they are looking for a mate.

Do Female Cats Mark Their Territory?

Yes, female cats mark their territory just as much as male cats. Both genders of cats may paw at objects to leave their scent behind or to advertise reproductive ability.

Female cats will also paw in order to make a comfortable nest for her kittens when she is pregnant. Additionally, they use pheromones to call attention to themselves and signal other cats in the area.


When cats rub their head against objects or people, it is called bunting. It is a sign of affection and can be seen as a way for cats to show they feel safe with you.

Cats may also use bunting to mark their territory, so they will leave behind their scent and let other cats in the area know who owns the space.

Why do cats spray on their owners?

Cats may spray on their owners as a way to mark the area with their scent. This usually happens when cats feel threatened or uneasy in an environment.

Additionally, they may use this behavior as a way to advertise their reproductive ability by letting other cats know that they are looking for a mate.

If your cat is spraying on you, speak with your vet about possible solutions or ways to reduce the behavior.

Do Some Cats Paw Smooth Surfaces Just for Fun?

Yes, some cats paw smooth surfaces just for fun! Cats will use their paws to explore new textures and objects. They may also be trying to learn more about a particular area or object.

To encourage this behavior in a safe way, provide your cat with toys and interactive games that allow them to express their curiosity. Additionally, make sure you give them plenty of scratching posts or surfaces that are safe for them to paw at. [2]

Why Do Cats Use Pheromones to Cover Other Cats’ Scent?

Cats use pheromones to cover up the scent of other cats in an area. They do this because they want to be seen as the leader and show other cats that the space belongs to them. By covering up other cats’ scent, they can make sure that their own scent is the one that stands out.

How Can I Stop My Cat From Pawing Smooth Surfaces?

The best way to stop your cat from pawing smooth surfaces is to give them other things to scratch. Put scratching posts or areas in places around the house that are easy for them to get to.

Replace them when they become worn out. Additionally, use pheromone sprays and diffusers to help your cat feel more comfortable and reduce stress or anxiety.

Finally, make sure to provide your cat with games, toys, and activities that allow them to express their curiosity safely.

Offering a Scratch Post

Offering your cat a scratching post is a great way to help them satisfy their instinct to paw. Make sure the scratching post you choose has plenty of texture options so that your cat can explore different textures.

Additionally, replace the scratching post when it becomes worn out and give your cat plenty of positive reinforcement when they use it. This will help keep them away from other smooth surfaces and make them more likely to use the scratching post.

Offering a Scratch Post

Rappelling it From Your Surfaces

Another way to keep your surfaces from getting scratched by cats is to cover them with rappelling. Rappelling is a material that creates a texture that cats don’t like and will stop them from pawing at the surface.

Additionally, you can use different scents or pheromones to make the area less appealing to cats. You can find rappelling at your local pet store.


Why does my cat like to scratch smooth surfaces?

Cats like to scratch smooth surfaces because it allows them to explore new textures and objects. Additionally, they may be trying to mark their territory or show other cats in the area that they own the space.

What can I do to stop my cat from scratching smooth surfaces?

The best way to stop your cat from scratching smooth surfaces is to give them other things to scratch, like scratching posts or areas. Additionally, you can use pheromone sprays and diffusers to help your cat feel more comfortable in their environment.

Finally, make sure to provide your cat with games, toys, and activities that allow them to express their curiosity safely.

Why do cats paw on surfaces?

Cats paw on smooth surfaces for a variety of reasons. They may be trying to explore new textures, mark their territory, or show other cats in the area that they own the space. Additionally, cats may also just be bored and looking for something to do. Use scratching posts or surfaces to help your cat scratch.

This will stop them from scratching furniture. Pheromone sprays and diffusers will make your cat feel better and reduce stress or anxiety. Provide your cat with games, toys, and activities that are safe for them to play with.

Why do cats dig on soft surfaces?

Cats may dig on soft surfaces for a number of reasons. They might be trying to explore new textures, mark their territory, or just be bored. Help your cat scratch in different ways by using scratching posts or surfaces.

Pheromone sprays and diffusers will make your cat feel better and reduce stress or anxiety. Additionally, provide your cat with games, toys, and activities that are safe for them to play with. This will help keep them entertained and away from the soft surfaces.

Why does my cat sweep the floor with his paw?

Your cat may be swiping the floor with his paw to explore new textures, show other cats that they own the space, or just because he’s bored. To stop him from doing this, provide your cat with games, toys, and activities that are safe for him to play with.

Why do cats paw at a spot before they lay down?

Before cats lay down, they use their paws to make the spot more comfortable. This is called “kneading.” Cats will knead the spot to make it softer. Additionally, cats may also be trying to mark their territory or show other cats in the area that they own the space.

What other behaviours do cats express with their paws?

Cats often use their paws to wash themselves. They will lick their paws and then wipe them on their fur. Some cats also use their paws to play or show that they like someone.

If your cat hits you with his paw, it usually means he wants your attention. You can give your cat toys to keep him busy and help him feel safe. Pheromone sprays and diffusers will also help make your cat more comfortable in his environment.

How  can I redirect my cat’s pawing?

If you want your cat to stop pawing at things, you can give them scratching posts or surfaces. This will let your cat do what they want to do without ruining your furniture.

You can also use pheromone sprays and diffusers to help reduce stress and anxiety in your cat. Finally, provide your cat with safe games and toys to keep them entertained. This will help prevent your cat from pawing at other surfaces.

How  can I redirect my cat's pawing

How can I keep my cat from scratching furniture?

If your cat is scratching furniture, provide them with scratching posts or surfaces. This will give them something to scratch without ruining the furniture.

Additionally, you can use pheromone sprays and diffusers to help reduce stress and anxiety in your cat. Finally, give your cat games, toys, and activities to keep them entertained.

What other things can I do to discourage my cat from pawing surfaces?

There are a few other ways you can discourage your cat from pawing at surfaces. First, you can use rappelling to create a texture that cats don’t like and will stop them from pawing at the surface.

You can also provide your cat with toys, games, and activities to keep them entertained. Finally, you can use pheromone sprays and diffusers to help reduce stress and anxiety in your cat.

Do all cats paw at surfaces?

No, not all cats paw at surfaces. Some cats may not enjoy the sensation or may find it uncomfortable. Additionally, some cats may have a medical condition that prevents them from being able to do so.

What can I do if my cat is pawing excessively?

If your cat is pawing excessively, you may want to provide them with scratching posts or surfaces and use pheromone sprays and diffusers to help reduce stress and anxiety in your cat.

Additionally, you can provide your cat with safe games and toys to keep them entertained. This will help prevent your cat from pawing at other surfaces. If you are still concerned about your cat’s behavior, it is best to consult with your veterinarian for advice.

Do cats need to paw at surfaces?

Yes, cats scratch things with their paws. It can help them learn about new textures, mark their territory, or just because they’re bored. If your cat is scratching a lot, you may want to give them things to scratch like posts or surfaces.

Useful Video: THAT’S Why Your Cat Dips Her Paw In The Water!


Most of the time, when a cat paws at surfaces, it is because of their natural instincts. Cats paw at surfaces for different reasons. Sometimes they might be hurt or upset. Pay attention to changes in your cat’s behavior so you can tell if they are happy and healthy.

It is rewarding for cat owners to spend time observing their beloved pet and understanding more about what goes on inside its four-legged mind. By doing this, they can learn more about why their cat behaves the way it does.

If you are concerned that your cat is pawing at smooth surfaces for a reason, or think that there might be an underlying health issue, make sure to take them to the vet for a checkup. This way, any issues can be found and treated right away.


  1. https://www.whiskerfullife.com/why-does-my-cat-paw-at-smooth-surfaces/
  2. https://felinefollower.com/why-does-my-cat-paw-at-smooth-surfaces/