What to Expect From a Savannah Bengal Cat Mix?

What to Expect From a Savannah Bengal Cat Mix?

Are you considering introducing a Savannah Bengal cat mix into your family? Savannah Bengals are one of the most sought-after cats out there due to their gorgeous looks and sweet personalities.

But, before diving headfirst into adoption, it’s essential to know what traits this particular breed exhibits and how they’re likely to fit in with your household.

In this blog post, we aim to give you a better understanding of the Savannah Bengal cat mix so that you can make an informed decision about whether it is right for you!

What to Expect From a Savannah Bengal Cat Mix?

A Savannah Bengal mix is a hybrid cat, produced from the mating of an Asian leopard cat and an African serval. These cats possess unique qualities that make them stand out from other breeds – they are highly active and intelligent, with temperaments that range from friendly to mischievous!

What to Expect From a Savannah Bengal Cat Mix?

Savannah Bengals also have striking physical attributes, such as tall, slim frames and large ears; they also have beautiful coats that come in a variety of colours and patterns. [1]

Personality and Temperament

Savannah Bengals are very affectionate and social cats, which makes them the perfect companion for a busy household. They thrive in an environment that provides plenty of stimulation and interaction – this could mean lots of toys to play with or daily cuddle sessions!

Personality and Temperament

This breed is also very smart and loves to explore their surroundings, so it’s important to provide a safe, secure space for them to roam.

They may even try and get into things they shouldn’t – so it’s important to keep an eye on them at all times!

Size and Weight

Savannah Bengals are usually between 12 and 18 inches tall, with a slender build. They typically weigh anywhere from 8-15 pounds – so they’re considered a medium to large cat breed.

Coat and Colouring

Savannah Bengals have a unique coat that comes in many different colours and patterns. The most common ones are brown, grey, and black; but they can also come in various shades of red, orange, or yellow.

Coat and Colouring

Their coats may be striped, spotted, or solid – so each Savannah Bengal cat mix is truly one-of-a-kind!

Health and Lifespan

Savannah Bengals are generally a healthy breed, as long as they receive regular vet checkups and proper nutrition. With proper care, these cats can live for up to 16 years!

Grooming Needs

Due to their long coats, Savannah Bengals need regular grooming to keep them looking their best. You should brush them at least once a week to prevent tangles and mats; you may also need to trim the fur around their eyes and ears to keep them clean and free of debris.

Cost of Ownership

The cost of owning a Savannah Bengal mix can vary depending on where you get them from. On average, you should expect to pay between $500-$600 for one of these cats – which includes both adoption fees and vet bills!

Cost of Ownership

Savannah Bengal Cat Mix and Children

Savannah Bengals are very loving and loyal cats, so they get along well with children. They love to play and explore, and will make a great addition to any family. It’s important that your child is taught how to properly handle the cat, though – as rough handling can lead to scratches or bites. [1]

3 Little-Known Facts About the Bengal Savannah Mix

There Could Be Owner Restrictions

Due to the wild nature of their ancestry, some states have laws that prohibit owning a Savannah Bengal cat mix. It is important to research your local laws before bringing home a new pet.

Bengal Cats Like Water

Unlike most cats, Bengal cats actually enjoy swimming and playing in the water. So if you own a Savannah Bengal mix, don’t be surprised if they take an unexpected dip!

3 Little-Known Facts About the Bengal Savannah Mix

Savannah Cats Are Quite Dog-Like

Savannah cats have been known to act like dogs – playing fetch, walking on a leash, and even learning tricks! This makes them an interesting pet to say the least.

Temperament & Intelligence of the Bengal Savannah Mix

Savannah Bengals have a reputation for being both intelligent and affectionate. They are very social cats that thrive in environments with plenty of activities, stimulation, and interaction – so if you’re looking for an outgoing companion, this breed is perfect for you!

They also love to explore their surroundings and may even try to get into things they shouldn’t – so it’s important to make sure your home is safe and secure.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets?

Savannah Bengals generally get along with other cats and animals, but they may need some time to adjust to new furry friends. Introduce them slowly and make sure that both are supervised until they become comfortable with each other. [2]

What Are Foods Best For A Savannah Bengal Cat Mix?

Savannah Bengals need a balanced diet that includes protein, fats, carbohydrates, and essential vitamins and minerals.

Temperament & Intelligence of the Bengal Savannah Mix

A high-quality dry cat food is usually the best option to meet their dietary needs, but they may also enjoy wet foods or treats as an occasional snack. You should also provide plenty of fresh water at all times!


How do I know if my cat is mixed with Savannah?

The best way to tell if your cat is mixed with Savannah is by looking at its coat and physical characteristics.

A Savannah Bengal mix typically has a long, silky coat with brown, grey, or black stripes; they may also have some spots and other colours in their fur. Additionally, these cats usually have longer legs than average cats and may have a more wild-looking appearance.

What kind of personality does the Savannah Bengal cat mix have?

The Savannah Bengal cat mix is known for being both intelligent and affectionate. They are very social cats that thrive in environments with plenty of activities, stimulation, and interaction.

These cats love to explore their surroundings and will even try to get into things they shouldn’t, so be sure to provide a safe and secure home. They also get along well with other cats and animals if given the chance to adjust.

Are Savannah Bengals hypoallergenic?

No, Savannah Bengals are not hypoallergenic. These cats have longer hair than most breeds and can still shed, which can trigger allergies in some individuals.

However, they do have lower dander levels than other cats, so if you have mild allergies it may be worth considering a Savannah Bengal mix as your next pet.

Are Bengal Savannah cats easy to train?

Yes, these cats are relatively easy to train since they are highly intelligent. They love to learn new tricks and can master basic commands fairly quickly. With patience, positive reinforcement, and plenty of treats, you’ll be able to teach your Bengal Savannah cat a variety of fun behaviours in no time!

How do you tell if your cat is a Bengal mix?

The easiest way to tell if your cat is a Bengal mix is by looking at its coat. Bengals have distinctive coats with stripes or spots, so if you see this pattern on your cat’s fur it’s very likely they are a Bengal variety.

You can also look for their other physical traits, such as longer legs and a wild-looking appearance. Additionally, their personality may be more active and outgoing than other cats.

How big do mixed Savannah cats get?

Mixed Savannah cats can grow to be anywhere from 10-20 pounds. Their size depends on their genetics, as well as the type of diet and exercise they get. It’s important to provide your cat with a healthy diet and plenty of opportunities for playtime to ensure they stay within a healthy weight range.

Are there any health risks associated with the Savannah Bengal cat mix?

Like any other breed, there are some health risks associated with the Savannah Bengal cat mix. These cats can be prone to certain genetic diseases and eye problems, so it’s important to get regular checkups at the vet.

Additionally, due to their wild ancestry, they may have a higher risk of contracting certain parasites, so you should also make sure they stay up to date with their vaccinations and flea/tick preventatives. With proper care, these cats can live long and healthy lives!

What is the personality of a Savannah cat vs. a Bengal?

Savannah cats are known for being friendly, outgoing, and highly intelligent. They love to explore their surroundings and enjoy interacting with people and other animals. On the other hand, Bengal cats tend to be more independent and aloof.

They also have a higher energy level than many other breeds and like to play games that involve hunting or chasing. Both breeds are incredibly loving and devoted to their owners, so it’s up to you which one you choose.

Are Savannah cats hard to own?

Savannah cats are relatively easy to own, but they do have certain needs that must be met. For one, they require lots of space and stimulation to stay happy and healthy.

They can also be quite active, so you’ll need to provide plenty of toys and opportunities for playtime. Additionally, it’s important to monitor their diet closely, as they can easily become overweight if given too much food.

Will a Savannah cat protect you?

Savannah cats are loyal and affectionate, but they may not be the best choice if you’re looking for a guard cat. While they will certainly show their love and devotion to their owners, they don’t typically display territorial or protective instincts.

However, they will alert you to any strange noises or visitors with an unmistakable loud meow!

What is the best way to care for a Savannah Bengal cat mix?

The best way to care for a Savannah Bengal cat mix is to give them plenty of love and attention. Try to provide them with interactive playtime that encourages their curiosity and intelligence.

Additionally, make sure you are providing them with regular veterinary checkups, as well as appropriate vaccinations and flea/tick preventatives. Finally, provide your cat with a healthy and balanced diet to keep them happy and strong for years to come.

What is the average life expectancy of a Savannah Bengal cat?

The average life expectancy for a Savannah Bengal cat mix is around 12-15 years. However, this can vary depending on their genetics and lifestyle.

Make sure to provide your cat with regular checkups at the vet and plenty of exercise to ensure they stay healthy and happy for as long as possible!

What other cat breeds can be mixed with a Savannah?

In addition to the Bengal, other popular cat breeds that can be mixed with a Savannah include the Chausie, Oriental Shorthairs, Sphynx and Egyptian Maus.

Each of these breeds has their own unique personality and appearance, so it’s important to do your research beforehand to make sure you’re getting the perfect cat for your family.

What kind of environment does a Savannah Bengal cat mix need?

A Savannah Bengal cat mix needs a safe and comfortable environment with plenty of space to explore and play. They should also have access to plenty of toys, scratching posts, and perches so they can exercise their natural instincts.

Additionally, it’s important to provide them with an enriched diet that meets their nutritional needs. Finally, make sure to keep them away from any potential dangers or toxic substances as they can be particularly sensitive to certain things.

What kind of health issues should I expect with a Savannah Bengal cat mix?

Savannah Bengal cats are generally quite healthy, but there are certain health issues you should be aware of. These include heart and kidney problems, respiratory infections, and eye disorders.

It’s important to monitor your pet closely and take them to the vet for regular check-ups in order to catch any potential issues as early as possible.

What is the best temperament for a Savannah Bengal cat mix?

The best temperament for a Savannah Bengal cat mix is one that is friendly and outgoing.

They should be confident and curious, with an eagerness to explore their environment. They should also be affectionate and loyal to their owners, but not overly clingy or demanding of attention.

How much do Savannah Bengal cat mixes cost?

The price of a Savannah Bengal cat mix will vary depending on the breeder and their individual traits. Generally speaking, these cats tend to be more expensive than other breeds due to their rarity and popularity.

Prices can range from $1,000 – $5,000 USD or higher. It’s important to do your research and only purchase from a reputable breeder to ensure the health and safety of your pet.

How do I know if a Savannah Bengal cat mix is the right choice for me?

The best way to determine if a Savannah Bengal cat mix is the right fit for you and your family is to do your research. Think about what qualities you’re looking for in a pet, such as intelligence, playfulness, and affection.

Additionally, make sure to consider the cost, care requirements, and potential health issues associated with this breed. Ultimately, only you can decide if a Savannah Bengal cat is the right choice for you, so make sure to weigh all your options before making a decision.

Why is it important to provide my Savannah Bengal cat mix with preventive care?

Providing your pet with regular preventive care is essential for their long-term health and well-being. This includes annual checkups at the vet, as well as vaccinations, parasite treatments, and flea/tick preventatives.

By taking proactive steps to ensure your pet remains healthy, you can help reduce the risk of potentially serious health issues in the future. Additionally, it’s important to provide your cat with regular exercise and a balanced diet to maintain optimum nutrition levels.

Why should I spay or neuter my Savannah Bengal cat mix?

Spaying or neutering your pet is an important part of responsible pet ownership. In addition to reducing the risk of certain medical conditions, it can also help reduce aggressive behaviour and stop unwanted litters from being born.

It’s especially important to spay/neuter a female before she reaches 6 months of age in order to prevent the risk of reproductive issues later in life. By spaying or neutering your pet, you can help ensure they live a long and healthy life.

Why is it important to socialise a Savannah Bengal cat mix?

Socialising your pet is an essential part of their development and can help ensure they become happy, well-adjusted cats. Through socialisation, you can help teach them good manners and how to interact with other animals and people.

Additionally, it’s important to introduce them to new environments and experiences so that they are comfortable in a variety of situations. By providing them with an enriching environment, you can help ensure that your cat grows up to be confident and well-behaved.

Does a Savannah Bengal cat mix require any special grooming?

Yes, a Savannah Bengal cat mix will need regular grooming in order to stay looking and feeling their best. This includes brushing them regularly with a soft brush, as well as trimming their nails and cleaning their ears.

Additionally, they may also benefit from occasional baths depending on the length of their coat. By providing your pet with regular grooming, you can help keep their coat healthy and reduce the risk of matting and other skin conditions.

Do Savannah Bengal cat mixes get along with other animals?

Yes, most Savannah Bengal cat mixes do fine when introduced to other animals. However, it’s important to introduce them slowly and in a controlled environment so they can adjust at their own pace.

Additionally, make sure that you provide your pet with plenty of positive reinforcement whenever they interact with other animals in a calm and relaxed manner.

With patience and proper socialisation, your Savannah Bengal cat mix should be able to get along with other animals in the home.

Does a Savannah Bengal cat mix make a good pet?

Yes, with the right care and attention, a Savannah Bengal cat mix can make an excellent pet.

They are intelligent, affectionate cats that love to play and explore. Additionally, their unique hybrid status makes them highly sought-after pets for those looking for something special in their feline companion.

Do Savannah Bengal cat mixes require a lot of maintenance?

No, a Savannah Bengal cat mix does not require any more maintenance than other cats. They need regular grooming and preventive care, as well as plenty of playtime and good nutrition.

Additionally, they should be socialised with other animals so they can learn how to interact appropriately.

Does a Savannah Bengal cat mix need a lot of exercise?

Yes, Savannah Bengal cat mixes do need plenty of exercise in order to stay healthy and happy. This can include playing with toys, exploring the outdoors (with supervision), or simply running around the house.

Additionally, it’s important to provide your pet with interactive toys that stimulate them mentally as well as physically. With proper exercise and stimulation, your Savannah Bengal cat mix should stay active and healthy.

Do Savannah Bengal cat mixes have any special dietary needs?

No, a Savannah Bengal cat mix does not have any specific dietary requirements. However, they do need high-quality food that is specifically formulated for cats. It’s important to feed them a balanced diet of wet and dry food in order to ensure they receive all the nutrients they require.

Additionally, it’s recommended to feed them several small meals throughout the day rather than one large meal. This will help keep their energy levels steady and prevent them from becoming overweight.

Does a Savannah Bengal cat mix tend to be vocal?

Yes, Savannah Bengal cat mixes can be quite vocal. They are known for their chirps, meows, and purrs which can vary in intensity depending on the situation. This is why it’s important to provide your pet with plenty of positive reinforcement when they use appropriate vocalisations.

Does a Savannah Bengal cat mix shed a lot?

Yes, Savannah Bengal cat mixes do tend to shed quite a bit. This is why it’s important to brush them regularly in order to reduce the amount of hair they leave behind.

Additionally, you can use products such as grooming wipes and pet vacuums to help keep shedding under control. With regular grooming, you can help keep their coat healthy and reduce the amount of hair they shed.

Useful Video: Bengal Cat PROS AND CONS || BEST or WORST Cat Breed?


If you are looking for a feline companion that is outgoing yet mysterious, smart and playful, and loves to be around people, then the Savannah Bengal mix could be the perfect companion for you!

Whether you are seeking a lazy lap cat or a more dynamic housemate, these beauties come with an unpredictable personality that keeps things fun and entertaining. And best of all, they look just as amazing as they act. From their wide eyes to exotic markings and enchanting coats, these cats are simply delightful to look at.

If your heart desires a cutie like the Savannah Bengal mix, do your research before adoption – carefully considering all pros and cons of welcoming one of these charmers into your home or family.


  1. https://kittydevotees.com/2022/05/10/what-to-expect-from-a-savannah-bengal-cat-mix/
  2. https://www.hepper.com/bengal-savannah-cat-mix/