Why Does My Cat Lick the Wall?

There is no one answer to the question of why cats lick the wall. Some people say that it’s because they’re bored, others believe that it’s a way for them to mark their territory. Still others think that cats lick walls as a way of cleaning themselves. And finally, some people believe that there is actually a medical reason behind their cat’s habit of licking the walls.

In this definitive guide, we will explore all of these possibilities and more! We will take a look at the most common theories about why cats lick walls.

Why Does My Cat Lick the Wall?

If your cat is constantly putting his tongue on the wall, it could be because he enjoys how smooth and cool it feels. Some cats lick walls when they are anxious or stressed. This is similar to what humans do when they bite their nails. But this behavior does not always mean there is a health issue like allergies.

Why Does My Cat Lick the Wall

While it’s not clear what causes cats to lick their walls, there are some possible explanations. If your cat is licking its genitals too much, your veterinarian can help you figure out what might be causing this behavior and give you advice on how to stop it from happening again. [1]

Taste or Smell

The first possibility is that your cat is licking the wall because it tastes or smells good to them. This could be due to a number of things, including:

  • The presence of residual food or grease on the wall (from cooking or other activities).
    A build-up of dust or other particles that have a strong scent.
  • A reaction to a cleaning product or other household chemical that is on the wall.
  • If your cat is licking the wall due to taste or smell, you may be able to resolve the issue by cleaning the area more frequently or using a different cleaning product. [2]


Cats are very sensitive animals that enjoy sensations which feel good to them. They often associate smooth surfaces with food or water, so they will lick it when given the opportunity! Some cats like to lick rougher materials like metal and plastic because those textures feel stimulating to their tongues.

Cats often enjoy licking walls, doors or other surfaces. They do this because it’s fun for them – not necessarily the result of any underlying issue at all! If you notice your cat spending a lot of time with their whiskers against a certain object, or if they start acting withdrawn, talk to an expert about what might be going on. There could be something sticky on one side that needs cleaning. [2]


They sense moisture hidden on any surface. Leaks in pipes or condensation could mean something is wrong and needs to be fixed.


It’s possible that your cat simply isn’t thirsty. If your cat is licking walls more than usual or not drinking, it might be because the water tastes bad. Check to make sure the water doesn’t taste strange to them before assuming there is another reason why they are behaving this way.

Cats often meow when they are hungry, which is why you might notice your cat eating and then licks ornasma. If their favorite food has just changed, give them a small amount of each one before giving the rest away. You can also add some more into an already existing bowl at first to see if this solves anything.


If you notice that your cat is eating dirt or chewing on paper, it might be a sign of pica. Pica is a condition that affects both humans and animals. The cause of this behavior isn’t fully understood, but there are theories about why this might happen.

One theory is that the person might be lacking something else in their diet, like nutrients crucial to maintaining healthy digestion patterns. If you think your pet may be missing important nutrients, please consult with them at home before taking them to the vet clinic.

You can help your cat get back on track by making some simple changes. You may also need to adjust their diet and give them more interactive playtime with other cats or dogs to stop them from eating non-food items. [2]


One of the most likely reasons your cat is licking the wall is to relieve stress. Cats can get stressed out from changes in their routine, like a new pet or baby in the house, or from being left alone for too long. Licking helps them calm down and feel better.


If you think stress might be the reason your cat is licking the wall, try to make some changes to help them relax. Add a few more toys or scratch posts around the house, and spend more time playing with your cat. You might also want to consider using a pheromone diffuser to help them feel safe and calm.

If stress is the root of the problem, you should see your cat licking the wall less after making some changes. If the behavior continues or gets worse, it’s time to talk to your vet.

Your vet can help you rule out any other possible causes of the licking and may be able to prescribe medication to help reduce your cat’s stress levels. [2]


If your cat is bored, they may start licking surfaces as a way to relieve their boredom.
There are a few things you can do to help keep your cat’s mind active:

  • Provide them with plenty of toys, both solo and interactive.
  • Make sure they have a scratching post or other outlet for their natural behaviors.
  • Spend quality time playing with them each day.
  • Consider getting a second cat for companionship.

If you suspect your cat is licking out of boredom, try increasing their mental stimulation and see if that helps.

Nutritional Imbalances

One theory is that your cat might be licking the wall because of an imbalance in their diet. Your cat might be missing some nutrients or reacting to the ingredients in their food. Talk to your veterinarian about changing what your dog is eating.

Nutritional Imbalances

If your cat is licking the wall, it could be because they’re trying to self-medicate. For example, some cats lick surfaces after eating too much hairball or feeling sick so that they don’t leave any evidence behind for you.

You can discourage this behavior by providing them with alternative surfaces like scratching posts or toys that they prefer instead of licking walls.

Why Is My Cat Licking The Concrete Wall?

The first reason could be that they’re trying to get rid of a certain taste or smell from their fur. If you think this might be the case, try giving them a bath with some unscented shampoo.

Another possibility is that your cat is trying to get attention. If you think this might be the case, try giving them some extra love and attention. This could include petting them, playing with them, or even just talking to them more.

The last possibility is that your cat is trying to self-soothe. This could be because they’re feeling anxious or stressed. If you think this might be the case, try giving them some catnip or investing in a calming collar. [2]

How Do I Get My Cat To Stop Licking The Wall?

The best way to get your cat to stop licking the wall is to provide them with an alternative that satisfies their need to lick. Some possible alternatives include:

  • A food puzzle toy that dispenses treats as they play.
  • A scratching post or pad for them to scratch and stretch on.
  • A catnip spray or toy that attracts their attention.

If you provide your cat with one or more of these alternatives, they will likely stop licking the wall. If not, you may need to consult a veterinarian to rule out any medical conditions that could be causing the behavior. [3]

Ensure You Keep Toxic Items Out of Reach

The first step in keeping your cat safe is to make sure that all toxic items are out of reach. This includes things like plants, cleaning supplies, and even some human foods. If you’re not sure whether or not something is poisonous to cats, err on the side of caution and keep it away from them.

You should also keep an eye on your cat’s behavior. If you notice them licking something that could be harmful, don’t hesitate to take it away from them and give them a safe alternative to lick.

In addition to keeping toxic items out of reach, you should also make sure your cat has plenty of toys and scratching posts. These will help keep them occupied and away from things that could be harmful. [1]


Why is my cat licking walls and floors?

One possibility is that they’re trying to clean something off of the surface. Cats are fastidious groomers and may lick an area in an attempt to remove a stain or dirt.

Another possibility is that your cat likes the taste or smell of what’s on the wall or floor. If you have recently applied a new cleaning product to the surfaces in your home, your cat may be licking them because they like the smell or taste. Finally, some cats simply enjoy the sensation of licking smooth surfaces. If your cat is healthy and doesn’t seem to be bothered by their wall-licking behavior, there’s no need to be concerned.

If your cat is healthy and doesn’t seem to be bothered by their wall-licking behavior, there’s no need to be concerned.

However, if you notice that your cat is licking more than usual or seems to be obsessively licking a particular spot, it’s important to take them to the vet for a check-up. Excessive licking can be a sign of anxiety or stress, and it can also lead to health problems if your cat ingests too much of the chemicals on the walls or floors.

Why Does My Cat Lick Walls and Furniture?

Your cat may be trying to remove a sticky substance from the surface.

Your cat may be trying to groom themselves by lapping at a surface that is difficult for them. If your kitty is licking their hair a lot, they may be trying to get your attention. They might also be trying to groom the area where there is skin irritation.

Your cat may be seeking out salt. Cats often lick surfaces as a way of getting additional minerals and nutrients into their diet.

If you notice that your cat is constantly licking walls or furniture, it might be time for a visit from the vet. Many times when cats start peeing everywhere, it’s because they have an underlying medical condition. This can sometimes be hard to get rid of, but we can help. By talking to our team today, we’ll make sure everything is okay.

One of the most important things you can do for your cat is give them plenty to keep their mind busy. If they’re bored or anxious, then start some interactive playtime!

It could be that your cat is trying to get some attention. If you scold them for licking surfaces often, they may start doing it more frequently as a way of getting attention.

If your cat is displaying any other unusual behaviors, it’s important to consult with your veterinarian. There could be an underlying medical condition causing these changes in behavior.

How Do You Treat Pica in Cats?

There are a few things you can do to help your cat if they have pica.

  • First, make sure that they are getting enough nutrients and vitamins in their diet. You may need to change their food or add supplements.
  • Second, provide them with plenty of stimulating toys and activities to keep them occupied.
  • Finally, consult with your veterinarian about possible medications that can help.

Pica can be a difficult condition to treat, but with patience and understanding, you can help your cat feel better and live a normal life.

Why Is My Cat Licking Random Surfaces?

There are a few medical conditions that can cause this behavior, including:

Pica: A condition where animals compulsively eat non-food items. This can be caused by a deficiency in nutrients, such as zinc or iron.
Allergies: Cats can be allergic to just about anything, including pollen, grass, dust, and certain types of fabrics. If your cat is licking a particular surface more than others, it could be because they’re trying to soothe an itch.

Anxiety: Some cats lick excessively when they’re anxious or stressed. This can be caused by changes in the home, such as a new baby or pet, or even something as simple as a change in your daily routine.

After your vet has ruled out any medical conditions, the next step is to figure out if there is anything causing anxiety or stress in your cat. You can try making gradual changes at home to see how your cat feels about them. If your cat does not like the changes, you can try CBD oil supplements for calming effects. However, these supplements should not replace traditional veterinary care.

If your cat is constantly licking a certain spot, it might be because he likes the taste of whatever is there.

If your cat is scratching furniture and walls, the best thing to do is give them their own designated area. This will help keep everything clean without any scratches left behind.

Why Has My Cat Started Licking Everything?

One reason could be that they’re experiencing anxiety or stress. If there’s been a recent change in their environment, like a new pet or baby in the house, that could be the cause.

Another possibility is that they’re dealing with some sort of physical discomfort, like an itch they can’t scratch. If you think this might be the case, it’s worth taking them to the vet to rule out any medical conditions.

It’s also possible that your cat is just bored and is looking for something to do. If they don’t have enough toys or stimulation in their environment, they may start licking objects as a way to entertain themselves.

Whatever the reason, if your cat is licking objects more excessively than usual, it’s best to consult with your vet to rule out any medical conditions and help determine the cause.

Why is My Cat Suddenly Licking the Floor?

There could be a few reasons why your cat is licking the floor. Maybe they’re trying to tell you something’s wrong, or maybe they’re just curious about the new texture. Either way, it’s best to take them to the vet to get checked out just in case there’s an underlying health issue.

One possibility is that your cat is anemic. This can be caused by a number of things, including parasites, cancer, or blood loss from trauma. If your cat is licking the floor and seems to be lethargic or have a poor appetite, these could be signs of anemia and you should take them to the vet right away.

Another possibility is that your cat is experiencing gastrointestinal distress. This could be caused by anything from a simple stomach bug to more serious issues like inflammatory bowel disease. If your cat is licking the floor and also has other symptoms like vomiting or diarrhea, it’s best to take them to the vet for an evaluation.

Finally, some cats just lick things because they’re curious or because they like the taste or texture. If your cat is otherwise healthy and happy, there’s no need to worry about their occasional licking behavior. Just keep an eye on them to make sure they’re not ingesting anything harmful.

Useful Video: *My cat licks the wall*


It’s not entirely clear why cats lick concrete walls, but it could be a way to mark their territory, get attention, or relieve boredom. If your cat is licking the wall, there are a few things you can do to try and stop it. There are a few things you can do to try to stop your cat from licking the walls.

You can move furniture around so they have fewer surfaces to lick, provide more toys and playtime, or spray bitter apples on the wall. If nothing seems to work, you may want to consider taking your cat to the vet for an evaluation.

Have you ever wondered why your cat licks the wall? Let us know in the comments below. And don’t forget to share this article with your fellow cat lovers!


  1. https://excitedcats.com/reasons-why-cats-lick-the-wall/
  2. https://askmycats.com/why-is-my-cat-licking-the-walls/
  3. https://animalpath.org/why-does-my-cat-lick-the-wall/